Not the most exciting hats that I have ever made but I am on a mission not only to clear some stash but to help others with the fruits of my labours. As I mentioned before Nexus Art cafe are having a day where they would like donations for the homeless of hats, scarves or gloves. They have listed it as a knit day (click on my blog title for more details) but I hope they are not averse to a bit of crochet as I can make more hats with crochet than I can picking up my needles. Enid asked me for more details. I have not yet visited the cafe but I Googled it and it is on Dale Street which is off Oldham Street and not far from Piccadilly Gardens. The Knit Day is Sunday 24th Jan from 2 - 8 pm. If you don't live in the Manchester area and would like to take part I am sure that there must be a similar scheme in your neighbourhood. I found out about the day from Facebook having been invited to join in another Knit Day last year which unfortunately I could not go to. Since then I have been getting event invites but this is the only one that has mentioned knitting so as it is a worthy cause then I thought that I would like to participate.
My hats may not be the most glamorous hats but if a guy doesn't have a hat then my hat will keep him warmer than no hat at all. Maybe this will be an ongoing event and I can make more hats during the year to participate again later on. I shall know more after Sunday.
Buster has gone back home. I am sad in many ways as I do love his company but it isn't fair to keep an animal if you can't take care of it properly. I could not do the daily walk regime. I might manage a walk on a good day but with dogs they need every day. It upset me to see the look in his eye over the weekend knowing that he wanted a walk and the guilt in my mind as I knew that I could not walk him.
I feel good today as my tiredness caught up with me and I slept until 10.30am this morning. I slept right through my alarm and would still be in bed were it not for the guys across the street having new windows installed so the workmen woke me up with their hammering and banging to get the old window out. It's a good job that I have caught up with my sleeping as tomorrow I have an morning appointment at the hospital to see my spinal surgeon. If I miss that then I will have to wait months to get another one.
I have just got my credit card statement and that has endorsed my 'no wool buy' decision for at least another month or so. I always try to pay off anything that I put on the card at the month end but with Christmas purchases, some new crochet hooks, a new spinal support and a couple of books then the amount has crept up on me so I will have to be frugal this month as today is Emily's birthday and I have my son and my ex husband's birthday also this month and my brother's birthday next month. Thankfully I have restocked the food cupboard again.
Love those colors of blue, Jan! I'm sure your hats will be well received!
I agree with KnitNurd, the hats are sure to be well received and keep their heads nice and warm.
Sorry Jan, I got cut off on Facebook
oooooooooooo aren't I a twit???? should have googled last night myself!!!!!!!
they have a great idea, and the times are good. some places only have a couple hours for charity stuff.
I am on facebook with same e-mail if you wish to connect,
take care
Sorry Enid but your e mail address doesn't show up on your comments or your blog page so I cannot connect with you on Facebook. If you are on Ravelry then I am theurbangypsy.
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