I have finished my steroid tablets, without success, and had to ring the doctor's today to report on my progress with them. I did ring but he could not understand a word I said as I have now lost my voice, or most of it. The doctor then said I had to come up and see him so he could re-examine me. My chest is still clear and so the doctor is still convinced that I don't have a chest infection. As he hasn't got my chest X ray results back yet he has now decided to pull out the big guns and give me strong anti biotics. I feel so ill today. Up until now I have managed to feel OK in myself, apart from the cough, but today I just feel so tired and unwell. I hope that these anti biotics kick in quickly.
I started crocheting a shawl with a hank of super chunky that Vicky gave to me. I won't have enough wool to finish it but I did have some wool in stash that works in well colourwise. I shall finish it off in the contrast colour and add an edging and fringing also in the contrast colour. I wanted a warm and functional shawl to wear indoors and this will be lovely and warm once it is finished.
I am not going to the knit club at the Kings tonight. I don't feel well enough and am still afraid that I could pass this thing on despite the doctor saying it's not an infection. I would hate anyone else to suffer like this because I have breathed all over them. Charlie who gives me a lift isn't well either so I doubt if she will go along either.
I am going to try to do a bit more crochet before I fall asleep again. Tomorrow is another day and I just hope I have quick acting tablets!
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Jan. You have still managed to crochet a lovely shawl and it will keep your chest nice and warm in this horrible weather we are having. Hope you feel better by tomorrow.
I hope you feel better soon .. Last year i got some kind of flu thing at Christmas that eventually went to my lungs/throat and i didn't have my voice back until March ! Hang in there - i know being sick this long can get very depressing.
hugs from across the water!
~laurie aka rewselene
Jan, I have had this thing also for three weeks now and have had no voice. I was even starting to have anxiety attacks from it! I know how you're feeling...tired, achy, and just all over blah. I finally decided to try to get as much rest as I could because the body heals itself while resting/sleeping. I also have asthma so that kicked in on top of everything else. I am now on the upside of things and am beginning to feel so much better. Give it time, and you will also!!! Drink lots of fluids and get loads of sleep...it's about the only thing that works I found!!! Take care and keep crocheting/knitting those beautiful projects! :=)
Sending my well wishes across the pond to you!!!!
So sorry you are not getting any better. I hope the new antibiotics help. There have been some tricky virus's about this year.
So sorry to hear you're still not feeling well Jan. I hope the new antibiotics help you some.
Hopefully this will cheer you up, I've given you an award. Check my blog for details! ;-)
Make that 2 awards! ;-)
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