The Knitting Noras have decided to make a knitted bouquet of flowers either for Sarah's funeral or to give to her family as a keepsake. I am more at home with a crochet hook in hand than a pair of knitting needles so I have been crocheting some flowers to send as my contribution. I have not yet decided quite how I will attach leaves and stems to these flower heads as I don't have any forestry wire to thread through the stems. I am sure that one of the Noras will come up with a solution for this maybe using pipe cleaners.
I rang my GP this morning but he wasn't there and so I spoke to one of the partners. He said I have had the maximum dosage of antibiotics and as my chest X ray is clear then he sees no point in continuing with any more medication. The steroids were the only other option and they did nothing when I took a course of those. His opinion was that I have some kind of a virus and as anti biotics are ineffective against these then the only thing to do now is to weather it out. Easy for him to say. He is not the one with an aching chest and a persistent racking pant wetting cough! I use a CPAP for sleep apnoea at night and it is hard to breathe with that on when I am coughing like mad. The doc has prescribed a placatory bottle of linctus for me so I will try that. I have drunk bottles of this cough medicine and that cough medicine so one more won't make any difference unless there is a miracle included in this bottle.
Well then I'm praying for the miracle in the bottle. So weird that nothing is working!
Those flowers are gorgeous!! The bouquet will be really pretty.
I blogged about your calendar yesterday by the way.:-)
I am sorry to hear that all the medicines have been pretty useless for your bad chest infection. Virus' are tricky things and i hope you get over it soon.....maybe some better warmer weather will help it along?
Love the crochet flowers and i think it is such a nice idea.
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