As you can see Kath's sweater is still in the assembly stage. I had hoped to be further on and possibly even finished it by now but it seems to be taking me forever to sew the squares together and crochet all the fiddly bits that make up it's shape. At least it is now looking something like a sweater in the first photo. The second photo shows how the back and front fit together and the third photos shows the sleeves. One flat and one folded ready for stitching together. I still have the collar squares to stitch up yet and all of the edgings to complete. If you click on the blog title you may be able to see the pattern but then again you might have to be a member of Lion Yarns to view it.
Memo to self - do not crochet any more mohair for a long time for the sake of my sanity.
Needless to say I didn't do any more knitting on the baby cardigan. I am off to another session of hydrotherapy this afternoon so will have to find something small to crochet on the bus. I can't knit on buses as I use 14" needles and so tend to spear everyone sitting around me and obviously I can't take Kath's sweater to stitch together so I will search about for another small project to crochet. I don't want to start anything large as I am waiting for the patterns from Purplelinda to arrive sometime this week before I embark on any more ventures.
Worth all the effort as it is looking really beautiful. I have just printed the pattern, in case I ever feel confident enough to tackle it in mohair.
It's looking really pretty even though it's annoying you. :-)
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