I have never been to Towneley Hall Burnley before even though it is not that far away from me. I really must go again when I can walk around it as I believe it is lovely inside. For today I just accompanied Rachael from Artyarn and sat in the shop crocheting doilies whilst Rachael and Laura did all the hard work of arranging the tea cosies on display. People have been amazing, There are at least 25 tea cosies and one has even been sent from Germany from a lady who married a Burnley man and wanted to contribute. Rachael has to go up again tomorrow and is going to photograph them all and so I will direct you to her blog when she posts the photos.
Whilst Rachael was closing up the shop in Burnley town centre ready for the next artist a lovely couple came in to bring a few tea cosies. They are Pat and Steve from Woolly Thoughts and they do the most fabulous knitting. The do workshops and can be found on Ravelry as Woolly Thoughts. I call the kind of knitting that they do shadow knitting but it has a proper name. When you look at the piece face on it looks like narrow garter stitch stripes but when you view it on an angle words or pictures can been seen. They brought in two tea cosies that look as if they have a moving swirl pattern on them and a couple of strips of knitting saying tea and the picture of a tea pot. Steve brought with him a shawl that at first glance looked like yellow and black narrow stripes but when he moved it about it was the head of a man in intricate detail showing his long hair and his beard. Fascinating stuff. There are many examples of their work on Ravelry but it is something that has to be seen in the wool so to speak to appreciate it's real talent.
One tea cosy that stood out in my mind is a finely knitted one that was smocked together and had lots of beads stitched on to it. Hopefully there will be a photo of that on Artyarn's blog.
Although it wasn't raining today it was windy and cold and Rachael got very cold trying to finish off stitching the doilies around the stone balls. Although she had crocheted loads once they were put on the stone they only covered it partially and so a few more are needed. As I couldn't help out with the tea cosies I sat in Towneley Hall gift shop and crocheted and chatted to a lovely lady called Christine who was tending the shop, filling the shelves and answering a load of phone calls. I was really interested in all the Towneley Hall liqueurs such as Cherry brandy and Sloe. It did invite me to have a taste, on the poster next to it all, but I resisted or my doilies would have been a bit lop sided after a taste of that. It all looked very inviting but I didn't buy anything except a bag of humbugs.
I have included a couple of photos of the outside of Towneley Hall but I believe they have a web site if you want to see the interior. I love the carved owl in the tree where one of the branches has broken or been cut down. The tree is immense and the branches hang down almost to the floor. Many years of tree growth there methinks.
There was a party of excited children there for a while on a guided pond dip to see what wildlife they could find in the pond. Rachael said when she was there the other day one child fell into the water. Today the kids were getting a stern lecture about messing about near water before they set off. I think the guide wasn't taking any chances today. The all seemed to come back dry today.
I have finished the crocheted baby surprise jacket and have only got the buttons to stitch on. I have started another one but this time I am not crocheting in the single loop of the double crochet. Although it does look great it is a bugger to keep even and there are a few wobbly places that I am not really happy with. Hopefully they will even out after a couple of washes. I have started another one in a slightly different colour but this time in plain double crochet.
Time for dinner and a cup of coffee before I put my feet up and relax. I do love my days out. It gives my brain and well needed jolt and stimulates my thoughts. Whilst I am out and about chatting it takes my mind of aches and pains.
I just love all of your postings and your delicious crochet projects.
I was positively smitten with your tea cozies and do so wish that I could crochet garments like you -- but drat!--> that crochet gene somehow escaped me.
You are truly a work of beauty! Thank you for being so inspirational....
You make marvellous garments!
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