A pattern with a photo of snow if just the thing to cool me down on a hot sunny day. It is the jacket that I am making in grey for Sylvia. I haven't got much done as it has been a bit hot even for me today and so I haven't done much of anything.
I put the garden umbrella out for Buster but as you can see he hasn't quite got the hang of lying in the shady bit. He has drunk gallons of water today. Yesterday he got too overheated and was so panned out last night that I had to put the ceiling fan on in the front room to try to cool him down. As he follows me wherever I go I have stayed indoors a lot today. It is killing me to stay indoors on such a lovely day but if I stay in then Buster stays in under the fans. He is getting older now and just can't take the heat like he used to. I haven't played ball with him much today as after 3 throws he has to go and lie down. Last night he had a bit of an accident. I woke up at 3am to let him out for a wee ( he has a very weak bladder) and trod in a pool of wee at the bottom of the stairs. At least he had enough sense to wee on the wooden flooring and not the carpet. I didn't quite plan to be floor washing and feet washing at 3am but never mind it's one of the joys of pet owning.I am not surprised as the amount of water that he drank yesterday and last night would have floated an ark so it was an accident waiting to happen. Another reason why we aren't outdoors today. The more heated he gets the more water he drinks. The patio doors are open so he can go in and out when he needs to but he doesn't stay out on his own. The sun has gone off the back garden now so we might have an hour or two out there with the ball now it is not so hot. Maybe I can get a few more rows of crochet done now my fingers aren't sticking to the hook.
As you can see from the photos I am crocheting something really suitable for this hot weather - Ha Ha. I have put a temporary halt on the baby knitting until we know more next week so I decided to use up some stash Patons Beehive Aran wool and crochet an aran type jacket for Sylvia.The pattern is from an older book of mine called Glorious Crocheted Sweaters edited by Nola Theiss which I think it is still available. I know that it's the wrong season for aran but it will be there finished and ready for when the weather changes back to cold again. I have made this jacket a few times but this time I am not putting a ribbed edge at the bottom as it pulls like mad on me and as Sylvia has hips like mine I think that it will look better left looser with just a small border of double crochet instead. I keep thinking that I will undo the bottom edge of mine but the thought of having to re crochet all of the bands again without any spare wool is a bit off putting. I always lose yards of wool whenever I unravel something.
They say animals never forget. Today the ice cream man's chimes could be heard coming down the street and Buster was up on the stool barking to attract my attention. He loves his ice cream on a hot day like today and when he lived with me I was not allowed to ignore the ice cream van chimes. He watched me like a hawk today through the front window as I bought ice cream from the van. When I was carrying his cone in he was drooling all over the stool. Good thing it is wipe able. I have never known a dog love ice cream as much as he does. He wolfed his ice cream down and then ate a quarter of mine! The poor ice cream man had to be subjected to the sight of me in my old garden shorts - not a pretty sight. Ah well I am sure that he will get over it after a stiff drink!
Right I am off to sit in the garden for a while and then it's shower time. I don't feel much like any dinner but I am sure that I will a bit later on once the day cools down. It's nothing fancy tonight. Just a couple of lamb cutlets or should I say one cutlet for me and one for Buster ;)
many thanks Jan for the jacket I shall look forward to wearing it.
I used to keep a small container of baby talcum in my bag for my hands on hot days. Nothing was going to come between me and my crochet hook! lol
When I had my Chesapeake Bay Retriever, we lived around the corner from an ice cream shop. Her favorite thing to do was to walk down there and have an ice cream with us. Vanilla was her favorite! It was the only 'people' food she got, so it truly was a treat for her.
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