My Interweave crochet magazines have arrived today from Pavi yarns. I have only browsed the pictures so far and not inhaled, pawed and slobbered over any instructions as yet. Interweave seems to like motifs and there are an awful lot of projects containing them in each book. I am not a lover of motif crocheting. It's not the crocheting I don't like it's all the joining together especially the granny squares with multi colours! There are quite a few projects per book that I like so I think it was money well spent. I just hope that my niece's eyes don't spy something in motifs that she likes! There is an article by Carole Ventura on Tapestry Crochet plus an article in each by Doris Chan covering shaping crochet garments. I don't think that she covers the thing that I struggle with the most which is the way she writes down her raglan shapings. I have read other peoples comments on Ravelry who have struggled but some write that it was the easiest garment they had made. I suppose it is all to do with the way we read her instructions and whether they make sense to us or not as in my case. The jumper on the front cover is one of Doris's wouldn't you just know it. My head will be spinning once again. The mags are full of adverts for lovely garments but as it is a US magazine it is a lot harder to send for them by post etc. I am still very much a novice at buying from the net. I surprised myself with ordering from Pavi. I have only ever ordered from Amazon before. I am OK if it is straightforward and I know that I can trust the site (ie someone has used it and recommended it) and it tells me in pounds and not just dollars.
I did a bit more on my secret project last night. I have to keep my mind occupied as at the moment it is alternating between utmost despair and homicidal tendencies towards certain members of staff at Salford Royal Hospital. I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday to try and sort my feelings out. I keep bursting into floods of tears when I am not even thinking about what has happened. I would also like a re-check on my urinary infection to make sure that it has gone altogether and not still lurking unknown in my bladder to rule me out of the next operation date. I am very prone to these kind of infections. I do try to drink enough water but I am guilty of not drinking enough which doesn't help.I am also experiencing shoulder and neck pain which is making my arms and fingers tingle. I thought it was my carpal tunnel syndrome from my left hand but now I am not so sure as I never had pain and burning sensations in my neck and upper back when it was my right hand. Whatever next. I am falling apart bit by bit!
Today I am doing some cleaning which will more than likely result in strong back pain tomorrow. It has to be done though. Buster sleeps with me (you try persuading him that his place is not next to me on the bed) and so I have mohair bedding despite putting a throw over everything. I have to keep changing and washing it. If I was ever lucky enough to pull a guy and get to the bedroom bit then he would finish up looking like a Yeti if he got a bit sweaty!
I have the same problem with the sofa and chairs in the lounge. I have tried buying him different kinds of dog beds but they are a waste of money as he still sleeps on the furniture. I tried in the beginning to make him lie on the floor but it was like emptying the bath with a teaspoon so now I have given in and let him do exactly what he wants. Again I have throws to wash a few times a week. I will wear out my washer soon. I think I buy the same amount of washing powder that a family of 4 would use.
Buster keeps watching me and trying to comfort me when I am upset. This is the face I got today when I was telling him mum wasn't in the mood for taking him out just yet.
off to peg out the washing. Anyone got a spare line? My 3 are full already. Hope something has dried and then I can peg out more.
Enjoy your mags and never mind the dog hair. If you ignore it long enough you'll stop seeing it!!!
Be kind to yourself and settle down with your new mags. They look very interesting and may help you to feel a bit better mentally. I hope you get some help from your GP on Wednesday. Perhaps your GP could get in touch with the hospital for you and try to get them to give you a date for your op. I really hope so.
*gasp* Rushes over to pavi yarns.
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