What a windy day. It was Knit Out day with the Noras and on the way home Vicky remarked how the car was being blown around when we were on the motorway. I got home to find that my plant pots were scattered all over the garden and my small plastic grow houses had been blown over. Luckily there was nothing of any importance in either the pots or the houses as I decided to give my attempts at vegetable growing a miss this year due to my impending operation. Had I know that was going to take so long I would have risked a few lettuce etc.
So much to blog about I will have to leave most of it until tomorrow. Today I shall concentrate on posting photos of the finished pink Sweet Pea shawl and leave the photos that I have taken today until tomorrow's blog. I think I over frilled the shawl but little girls quite like a bit of frill so hopefully she will like it. I have also started the variegated pink shawl and managed to do quite a bit today at the Knit Out so is quite a bit larger than today's photo. I must find out if I should over frill that one as well.
Yesterday I overdid it. I washed the bedding, the throws, cushion covers and everything else I could find. I had to rescue the duvet from next door a couple of times as it kept blowing off the line even though I used loads of pegs. I cleaned most of the house as well. After that I mowed the lawn and strimmed the edges. Of course by last night I could hardly move and even after a bath and using my heat pad I was still in a lot of pain.
This morning it was very hard work to walk the dog as both of my hips were aching. I am glad that I did it then as the wind has got a lot worse this afternoon and so did my hips. I almost got hit by a tree branch this morning as it blew off the tree and fell just behind me. Fortunately it wasn't a large branch and probably would not have hurt me had it fallen on me but it was the surprise that made me jump. I never heard a crack before it fell. It must have been balancing on another branch from a previous gust.
Buster here. My mum said I was in the dog house yesterday. I don't understand what she means as I am a dog and this is my house so surely I am in the dog house everyday? Just because I had a little memory lapse and ignored her calls to get my dirty wet feet dried after my walk and jumped all over her clean throws. Hey I am a guy and we are forgetful and selectively deaf. I can't remember small details. I can't understand why mum needs to keep washing them anyway. They smell great to me - all doggy and hairy. She washes them and spoils it all. She was naughty too. She said a swear word in front of me and she knows I am only 7 and shouldn't hear such language. I had a laugh later though when mum's underwear blew off the line and onto the fence! I am off now into the garden now these plant pots blowing around look like fun to chase!
I really love your Sweet Pea shawl, it is so pretty and I love the way that you have over-frilled it. What a busy person you have been, you deserve a good sit down to crochet to your heart's content. Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
No more mad spring cleaning this week!! You'll do yourself an 'Oh nasty', just befor your op too!!
Matron says lay with your feet up and crochet!!
The shawl is so pretty! The over frilliness suits it perfectly. Please don't overdo things, it'll really hurt you in the long run.
The frill finishes the shawl beautifully Jan
Don't be doing any more cleaning this week it will all need doing again as you know so sit back, chill and crochet:))
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