Apart from noticing that I desperately need a pedicure did you notice our family trait? One short toe. A couple of cousins have it on toes (only the girls have it) and another cousin has her ring fingers and little fingers the same size. She had to have her wedding and engagement rings made especially for her as her ring finger was too small for conventional ones. Her hands got her into trouble once when she worked in a grocery store in her youth. They used to weigh out the flour into bags from big hoppers for the customers (just after the war everything was sold loose) and for a prank dipped her hand in flour and put it on her boss's suit jacket. He knew it was her of course from the short finger on the hand print so she got found out! My mother used my short toe as a tracker to find me if I ever disappeared on a beach. She looked for the footprints with only 4 toes (my short toe doesn't leave a toe print) on the right foot in the sand. It is on my father's side of the family and the trait only appeared in my generation. Of course it could have occurred in my ancestors and not been noted. There are no instances in my fathers siblings nor grandma and grandpa.
My short toe kept me from being accepted into RADA ballet school when I was training for ballet as a child. I went down for an interview with them and their doctor said I could not train with them as they were concerned that my short toe would not support me in point work. I had X rays taken and the joint that links my toe to my foot is missing. I was allowed to take (and pass with honours) the exams but I lost interest when I found out I could not be a professional ballerina. It was Sadlers Wells or nothing in my childhood imagination. Plus I badly injured my right knee at the age of 12 and had 12 months out of dancing because of that. I probably would have never made it as a ballerina because of this knee injury as it has never been right since and I now have a right knee,calf and thigh which is 2 -3" larger than the left. When I tell people about my dancing years I think they find it hard to believe as these days I am built more like a baby elephant than a graceful swan these days. I do have a couple of photos and exam certificates somewhere to prove it. I sometimes wonder if my arthritis and joint problems stem from the punishing regime of ballet.
My niece did not get her car back from the garage today so no trip to Ramsbottom for wool. I will concentrate on my socks this week as we now plan to go on Friday (if the shop is open) I decided to do my weekly shopping at Tesco and discovered when I came out that I must have either a slow puncture on my front tyre or a leaky valve . The air machine is still broken. I have written last week to Head Office to complain that it has been out of action for months now. They are quick to take money for groceries and petrol but slow to provide basic services like air. I have blown it up a little with a foot pump but I am unable to do it for long as my back complains bitterly. I will try again tomorrow. Tesco said they have forwarded my complaint to the store manager so let's see how long it takes him to get it repaired or to reply to me! Strange thing - today I had an overflowing trolley and spent £40. Some days I can have just 3 carrier bags and spend more. I can't work that one out.
I am off to chain for my second sock. Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye!
This crochet sock doesn't look crocheted, it looks knitted. I really hope you manage to make the 2nd one.
That sock looks wonderful. You always seem to work better when you're doing your own thing! Crochet seems more like that.
OOoOoOoOOoooh I just stumbled on your site through technorati, but I'm soOOOOsoooo wondering if you're going to write a pattern for these crochet socks. They are adorable!
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