No I have not gone all French (although I do have French ancestry amongst other things)) Ooh La La is the title of a Sirdar Baby book 347 that I am using to knit hoodies for Charlie and Finlay. I have also found out from the Internet that the jacket is not only in the book it is also sold as a single pattern 1813. The book has many lovely designs in it but as usual is a bit heavy on the girls patterns. There is a nice modern wide striped sweater in there that is nice and boyish.
I have now knitted the back and almost 2 fronts of the larger jacket and if anyone recognises the wool that I am using then please let me know as I have no idea what it is except it is too woolly feeling and not soft enough to be baby yarn. I will have to give the jackets a good soak in conditioner before I pass them on to the babies.
Today is "Hang on to your bonnet weather". As if it wasn't bad enough this week with torrential rain now we have got tree uprooting wind that is hurling small items around the garden and down the street. Brr. Think I will stay in, wrapped up nice and warm with my knitting.
Thank you Boltoncrafter for your lovely comment yesterday. I have to be formal as when I clicked on your profile there was no name there. As I have said before I do appreciate the comments that all of my blogger friends leave for me. It brightens up many a dull dreary day to know that someone actually reads my blog!
I am getting withdrawal symptoms from being away from my crochet hooks for so long but I know that once I pick one up again then my knitting mojo will grind to a shuddering halt and I still have many Christmas presents to complete before I can indulge in a bit of crochet fever.
Best place is indoors with your knitting today Jan, especially as it has now got dark as well. Your knitting is getting on well and is such a good pattern for a little boy.
the jacket looks very nice so far. colours great for a boy.
Wow, you certainly get a move on with the knitting!!!
Could do with a little of that rain down-under to put the bush fires out with :-)
Your sweater is absolutely beautiful if I can say that about a boys sweater. I started a baby sweater tonight in white, it is for one of two girls coming in December and January. So far it is looking good. I hope to learn to knit sometime after Christmas so maybe next year I will be making my own socks! I would love that.I know it is getting time for you to be whipping out garments daily, last year I kept thinking that you couldn't be making that many every day or sometimes two days. I now know it can be done and you are very good at it. Lynn
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