Spring is in the air today. I love my flowering cherry although it's flowering life is so short and the street looks like it is covered in pale pink confetti for weeks. It symbolises Spring to me and lifts my spirits.
This is my neighbour's tree. It is a different kind of flowering cherry than mine and her flowers are not only a darker colour but they are more robust than mine and stay on the tree for longer.
The postman brought me a package today which was a surprise as I wasn't expecting anything. When I opened it there were two vintage books inside sent to me by a Ravelry friend Maureen (Mehalah). I did a happy dance around the lounge. Well a happy hobble. The feeling that I get from getting and browsing vintage patterns is what I imagine it is like to get 'high' I have never taken any drugs apart from prescription meds but when I hear people describing 'getting high' then I get the same feeling from vintage pattern books. I haven't looked at the machine book yet but as I am hoping to get into the machine again after I have finished the chunky jacket for my niece then I am sure there will be many designs in there that will come in useful.

I do love the close stitch crochet and so this aran jacket is right up my street. Although I don't normally like crochet bags this granny square one would make a lovely craft bag for going to knit club with, provided it was lined of course. Otherwise I would be scattering crochet hooks behind me in a wake.
These waistcoats are lovely and cheerful and once again done in close stitch crochet patterns.
Once again this waistcoat and sweater are done in close two colour pattern stitches.
I remember a few weeks ago that Maureen had said that she had a beach coat pattern that she thought that I would like. I presume that this is the one that she meant. Oh how well people know me. I would probably use slightly muted shades for everyday wear though but I do love the design. Could be another stash buster. I have to say that the halter neck design is not for me but that is purely and age thing.
This 3 colour coat will be ideal to make for Autumn. My mind is aleady thinking of what colours I could put with the cream aran that I already have in stash. Whilst I like the colours on the photo I don't think that I have seen those shades in aran.
I absolutely love this white cardigan and this is definitely on my 'to do' list. I have a few shades in stash that will work well with this pattern. The sleeveless top is pretty but not for me as I don't bare the tops of my arms in public anymore. I have flappy bat wing arms or bingo wings as they are often called and so keep them covered up so they don't swing about as I move!
I also like the yellow coat as I do love the butt covering styles. I like to think they are flattering me by skimming over the fat bits.
The white flower top is not for me for the previous reasons and I don't think that the frilly top is my style but both are pretty for the young.
I don't have any men to crochet for so I don't know if any man would want to wear a crochet cardigan or waistcoat.
The baby cardigans are just gorgeous. I actually have the white baby set on a single leaflet from many years ago and made it smaller for my cousin's premature baby back in the early 70's. Nothing fitted her as she was just over 3lbs at birth so I had to hurredly crochet her some little cardigans and bonnets.
Whilst I am not sure about the tabards for children the hat patterns are a useful addition to my pattern collection.
I do love the lacy top cover up but I would try not to make it too large as I think big and floaty is not always a good look on someone larger. I would aim for slightly loose.
Unfortunately I don't have any little girls to crochet dresses for nor do I have any boys for the sweater but if I did then I would certainly try these.
Thanks once again to Maureen for your very kind gift. If I was asked how would I measure wealth then I would say that it doesn't always apply to material wealth. I am rich in friends in fact I am so rich that I am a millionaire. I would like more money, wouldn't we all in these trying times. but I think that the value of friendship is beyond a price. Thank you to everyone of my lovely friends both online and in person. You make me very happy with your e mails, blog comments and general chit chat. I think that most of us are loving, giving, charitable people. I was always taught that if you don't give then you don't receive. I am not talking about expensive presents here I am talking about the gifts of love and friendship and doing things for others without being asked. In other words you are MY kind of people.
My friend remarked yesterday that I was very cheerful and sounded very happy. I took that as a huge compliment as like most of you I have my pain days and general off days but I do try to make the best of things. The sun is shining today, the trees are in blossom, I have 2 new books to browse. How could I not be happy? I hope that you are having a good day also.