I got my delivery of 2 Interweave magazines from Get Knitted today. As usual there are only a couple of designs per book that I will use but it's still nice to have them anyway. Doris Chan has her usual contributions but they are rather lacy as seen in the black ZZ topper. I can picture getting hooked up on every door knob if I wore that in the house. I like her Sugarplum bolero but without the furry fluffy edging for me. I like the little edge to edge cardigan but without it's bed jacket ribbon and the spiders web cardigan is a possible. I like the scarf and could possibly like the Diamond Sage wrap if it wasn't in such an insipid colour. I would omit the beaded edging as I am not really a beady kind of person.
I also ordered 3 Clover soft touch hooks with the wider handles. I hope that I can use these and that they are not destined to be given away like the Brittany Birch with their overly long annoying knobbly ended hooks and the snaggy bamboo ones I have bought in the past.
Ambermoggie loves the purple granny square shawl that I sent to her (see her blog). It's funny but as soon as I made the shawl I said this is more Amber than me. When she admired it on my blog I knew where it was destined to be re-homed to but it has taken me until now to send it. I love to crochet as you have probably guessed by now but once things are finished they are not always "me" so I have decided that in future they will get passed on to other homes if I have this feeling about them. No sense in putting them in the cupboard for them never to see the light of day.
My niece came to do my hair roots on Thursday and cut a few inches off the bottom of my hair. It feels really strange to have hair only to my shoulders now. It needed doing though as the hospital had swabbed my hair with some wet cloths soaked in some unknown cleaning substance in post op when I was so sick and my hair resembled Worzel Gummage, with his straw hair, from then on. No amount of deep conditioning helped so it was time to bite the bullet and chop it off. I can still just about tie it back and it will soon grow again.
I went to Julie's (next door)party last night. It was a jolly affair but got a little tearful when Julie thanked us all for coming and said it might be her last birthday and so this was her pre 40th in case she doesn't make her milestone next year. We had a bit of a laugh as someone had bought her a water feature for the garden and she put a couple of the blue toilet tank freshener things in it and it started foaming all over the garden and everyone was throwing foam at each other. I had to stick to Coca Cola because of the pain killers but I don't need alcohol to have a good time.
Chatting to the neighbours it appears that I missed a streaker in the Clough. If I had Buster back I would have seen him as it was my normal afternoon walk time. Apparently he stood naked apart from a pair of boots in front of Christine and started waggling is man parts about. I miss all the fun. I am sure I would have laughed out loud. He did get reported to the police - who caught him - as there were children in the Clough at the time and it's not a nice thought that they could have seen him. Or worse if he was some kind of a pervert. Amusing to adults but potentially dangerous for children.
I have started the sleeve edging for Rah Boom De Ay just to see what it looks like finished. I am still undecided as to whether my finished sweater will have a frilly edging or turn into a more boring version. Anything that adds inches to my hips or draws attention to their girth is a bit of a no no for me. If you look closely you can see a small photo on the pattern of the finished sweater.