Thanks everyone for your words of support. They do help a lot.
I am feeling a lot better today. I think the last few days were a combination of a flare up of my arthritis and a bit of the blues about what has happened in my life recently. The flare up was partially my fault as I don't always take my medications at the right time and sometimes miss doses altogether. I suppose deep down I rebel against having osteo arthritis and I hate taking so many pills. I don't know whether I think it will all go away if I forget it or what. Stupid I know. I think I am a rebel against my advancing years. Maybe I should just go off and live in a warmer climate where my bones won't ache so much. If we had a good summer then at least I would have had a few good months but summer has been so depressing this year. Too much rain and dampness.
As to my personal life I shall just have to think that I am a far nicer person than they are and refuse to drop down to their level.
I managed to rally myself with a bit of knitting last night. One of my Knit Clubs The Kings Arms in Salford is taking part in knitting letters for the Poetry Society for their Knit A Poem project. My letter was the letter Y. I have been waiting for some wool as they insisted that the square was made in wool or mostly wool. Most of you know that I am allergic to wool, except for on my feet,so I didn't have any wool oddments. Rachael kindly ordered some wool for me when she was ordering hers and as I know that from this coming Monday the lifts that my niece has been giving me to the Knit Club will stop as she goes back to work so I wanted to make sure that they got my letter in time.If you want to know more about this then click on my blog title and it will take you to the Knit a Poem site. I think that you want to then you will still have time to take part if you hurry.
I went up to the Farmers Market today and bought some lamb and bread. I bumped into a few old friends and had a chat so that was a nice change for me. One was a friend who used to live across from me when my son and her kids were small. She has promised to drop in for a coffee sometime so that will be nice to catch up about old times.
I think the baby knitting is stopping my mojo. I chose to do it in 4ply but to be honest I am finding it so boring that it is putting me right off. I will continue with it bit by bit but I must start some crochet before I go mad.
The wool fuzzies get up my nose and I sneeze and sneeze when I am working with wool. I think the Poet's Society project sounds like a lot of fun and it's always fun to run into people you haven't seen for a while.
Have a great day!
I have had the same feelings lately. I know I am rebelling against growing older and really there is nothing we can do about it but I refuse to really give in and I haven't really changed alot of what I do. I look in the mirror and see an older me but inside I feel the same although my body has made me slow down I still fight it. I think I will be happier when I finally find a job and am working again. Lynn A
thanks so much for making the letter jan, i had no idea you were allergic to wool !!!
see you tonight. xx
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