We have snow. Not the kind of snow that most of the people in the US get but the 2" of UK snow that sends everyone into a frenzy. The UK is always so unprepared for even the slightest bit of snow.I am glad of my quite well stocked cupboard and stash of wool as I am going to be holed up indoors until the snow passes. I may finish up eating tinned peaches for dinner if the snow doesn't go away soon but at least I won't starve. I do have very good neighbours who will get me bread and milk if I run out.
I should have gone for my last physio appointment today but I wasn't surprised when the transport didn't arrive. The crew probably took one look at my snowy hill and decided not to bother. I rang the hospital and the physio said unless I felt the need for another session that she could discharge me over the phone. I think that now my knee with improve with time and normal usage so I didn't feel like I needed any more exercises.
A lot of my Blogger friends have been ill lately. I hope that all of you feel better soon especially Beverooni who is having a bit of a rough time of it lately and to Marge who has recently had an operation. Get well soon ladies.
I didn't finish off the hood on the long on the needles baby jacket. Instead I started a cardigan from a Sirdar pattern for Charlie. this is a bigger size and so will fit him. I do find though that Sirdar patterns have a very long body length and so have cut an inch off the length. I am using James C Brett Marble DK.
I am going to tuck myself up in the mohair knitted stole/wrap that Ambermoggie made for me when I had my spinal op and settle in for a bit more knitting.
Thank you sweet Jan for leaving such a lovely message for me. I'm excited to see the jacket progress. I love the colors. Wish I were there to share a cuppa and watch it snow through your front window. We're supposed to have a huge storm come in tonight so maybe I'll have pictures soon.
Thanks again!
You are one busy knitting/crocheting lady. Now you know the reason for the online ordering - you needed supplies for the winter ☺
Thanks for the good wishes Jan. I spoke to a friend of mine in the U.K. last night and she could not work yesterday because of the snow in Yorkshire. She is a carer. I would send you some sunshine, but we have had a lot of rain all spring - we have just moved into summer here. Coming from Manchester 40+ years ago, I still like the rain!!! Hope you can manage to get out soon though Jan, but how decadent to eat peaches for dinner. Take care and happy knitting and crocheting.
I managed to put together a decent cassoulet and that will last several days - yes, thank goodness for our stashes to keep busy while we are holed up inside.
Keep warm - and enjoy!
Funny, you talk of 2" of snow. I have a friend in North West Britain who loves snow, and is wishing for more. She wants to go sledding.
Lots of snow here down in Essex. Only venture out if necessary for food. The bonus side is that I have more time to sit at home and crochet my Amsterdam Coat. We are crocheting together Jan.
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