I got up around 8am to find a card behind the door about a parcel delivery. Usually that means I have to go up to the Post Office to collect it if I wasn't around to accept it. Fortunately the postmen know me well and the note said that they had left it in my porch. Yippee. Santa came early. 2 parcels to open before breakfast!
OK so Santa didn't leave them. It was stuff that I had ordered but I still love the opening of parcels. I think that I am turning into a Yarnoholic. Just recently I have ordered enough new wool to keep me going all year not mentioning the stash that I already have. I will have to go 'cold turkey' with wool buying in the New Year for a while until I have paid off my credit card bill. I have one here to pay but luckily the date of last payment is after Christmas. I am not slipping on the ice just to go and pay the bill at the Bank. I don't have online banking so I can't just press a button and pay. I am old fashioned. I don't like the thoughts of my details being on the PC waiting to be hacked.I know that millions of people safely use online banking but it is one of my fears. I don't have much money but what I have I would like to keep.
The first two photos are of baby wool supplies that I ordered from Purplelinda. Some of that is destined for Phil, the barman from the Kings Arms, and his partner who are expecting a baby girl in February. The rest is because I have run out of white double knit for babies not yet arrived.I bought two chunky toddler patterns and also a DK long cardigan pattern. I already have some wool in stash that will suit it perfectly. I think that the longer length will be flattering to wear.
The last two photos are of wool from E Kemp Wools as I cannot resist their bargains. The Wendy Moiselle chunky because I love the wool and the colours and also because it was reduced to 89p a ball. The lilac Hayfield aran as it was such a bargain at £3.99 for 400 grams. The Wendy baby wool is a mix of pinks and blues and very delicately coloured. I thought that might make summer cardigans or boleros for the girls and as that was 79p a ball I could not pass that by. The pattern is once again meant for some chunky wool that I have in stash. I like the shape of the long jacket and the short sleeves. I am not a lover of sleeveless waistcoats but I do like something with a short sleeve for wearing around the house. I usually wear something like that over a fine sweater or long sleeved T shirt. There is only one set of sleeves to push up when I am doing housework.
I am on the collar of my Sister in Law's crochet sweater but then have to stitch it all up. A job which I hate. Then I have to try and make a short sleeved crochet top for my niece's Mother in Law who is also coming for Christmas dinner at my Brother's house. I do hope that I can finish everything in time. I had hoped to finish off the crochet cardigans for my great grand daughters but as technically they are not part of their Christmas presents then it doesn't matter if they get them a bit late. I also plan to knit two chunky long jackets for them to wear in the Spring.
Is everyone like me? Always a few projects ahead of myself, I definitely have eyes and ideas bigger than my hands can manage. I have always been like that but these days I don't start everything like I used to do. When I was young I used to start making another thing when the first thing was only part way done. I have managed to mostly wean myself off that and limit myself to just a couple of WIP at any one time. Usually one in knit and one in crochet so that I can give my wrists and fingers a break. I must admit though that I am so glad to be crocheting again.
Any way time is a wasting and I have things to crochet and pots in the sink. I must set my flying fingers to work as I can hear the sleigh bells approaching in the distance!
I'm surprised your fingers are just little nubbins from all the knitting and crocheting they have done the last two months. Jan, I don't know how you have done it.
I love all the beautiful yarn and I am right there with you on becoming a yarnaholic. But I guess it's better than drinking and therapists, right?
Hope you're all better now from your surgery, and well done your patterns and yarns! The colours look so pretty.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas, and enjoy the Holidays!
Jan, I love the cardigan that is pictured in green..what is the name of it?
It's so fun getting those kind of parcels, isn't it?
I hope you and your loved ones have a lovely Christmas!!!
lucky girl, Jan!!! I love the red pattern in second photo.
I certainly don't blame you aboutnot slipping on ice to pay a bill.
It is a mix of slush and frozen snow around here. I should have finished shopping until next week, now.
Enjoy visit at brother's
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