I have started the black jacket for my niece. The pattern I am using is Thea by Kim Hargreaves from her Precious Pattern Book. I have borrowed the pattern book from my other niece. As the patterns calls for Rowan Kid Classic and I am using Patons Gold DK I am having to compensate for thinner wool and using finer needles. Luckily my niece is a small size so I can make one of the larger sizes using the stitches for that but using the measurements lengthwise of the size that she really is. Sound complicated? Well it's not really just as long as I keep track of what I am doing. I have photocopied the pattern so that I can write on it what changes I am making. I don't like to deface my own books by writing on them and I know that my niece would not appreciate me spoiling her pattern book.
I am not using Rowan Kid Classic as neither of my nieces like anything with fluff on it and although I have worked with the Kid Classic before I think that my niece would prefer a smoother finish to her jacket. My only fear is that I will need some extra balls to finish it so I am putting a spurt on with the knitting to see how many I will need as I have to order it from Purplelinda and the nearer it gets the Christmas the more that the mail will be delayed.I have been waiting a week for 2 orders to be delivered. Things are taking longer than a week to arrive. Usually they come in a matter of days.
The top photo is one borrowed from the book. I hope that mine will look as good once it is finished. The lilac beads are stitch markers as the jacket has dart shaping for the waist and as they have to line up one on top of the other I need a stitch marker especially when knitting black.
Today I went for a walk/slip/slide to the Farmers Market. I could not take my scooter as the road was covered with black ice. Cars were sliding about so I would have had no chance with my small scooter. I was clinging to my shopping trolley and walking stick for grim death as the pavements were also slippy. I could not ask a neighbour to shop for me as I had run out of cash and needed to call at the hole in the wall for some money. I did manage to pay my newspaper bill. I got the hint when he sent me a second bill stapled to my newspaper.
I came home relatively unscathed apart from my knees aching from the walk. I then came to take off my winter boots and managed to fall over and twist my knee. Luckily I fell against my chair and it broke my fall. I negotiated ice and snow outside and then fell over on my own front room carpet by merely standing on one leg. Up to now apart from a bit of soreness I think that my knee is OK. It just took my breath away for a few minutes.
I haven't stitched up Charlie's brown jacket yet. I have to be in the mood for stitching anything together as I have to work at trying to be neat. If things are not stitched together nicely then it ruins the look of the garment. That is one reason why I hate making small toys that need stuffing and embroidering. I don't mind the knitting or the crochet but I hate the stitching up.
I have just enjoyed a pain du chocolat that I bought from the bread stall. They are French and make the most delicious bread. I have put some bread in the freezer. I bought quite a bit of lamb for the freezer including a leg of lamb for Christmas. It's lucky that I walk so slow as I paid for my meat and then left the bag on the stall. The butcher found me eventually and gave it back to me. Thank goodness he did as I could not have faced another walk to retrieve it. I am getting so forgetful these days.
Back to the black knitting whilst it is still fairly light. I am not fond of knitting black in the electric light although I can work better with dark colours now I have the new craft light. I still prefer to knit in daylight but there is so little of it these days. First I think that I am due a nice hot coffee, then it's knit, knit, knit.
As I say to my residents - YOU be careful!
Boy, that is a cute jacket. I'll bet it'll be gorgeous when you're done with it. Can't wait to see.
Hi Jan, glad you managed to get out for supplies. The jacket looks fabulous but I know what you mean about knitting with black wool, it puts a strain on your eye's. I am glad to say I am improving each day (mind you will not be entering any marathons soon!)thanks for your good wishes. Take care when you do go out.
Best wishes from DownUnder
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