As I am still knitting the black cardigan there is not much to show you on the Christmas projects.
Instead I will show you the contents of the Inside Crochet magazine Issue 13 for January which arrived in the post yesterday. As usual it is, for me, a mix of what I do like and what I don't but that is usual for any book or magazine that I buy.
I do like the Esmee cardigan by Sarah Francis that is on the front cover. There is a nicer photograph of it inside the magazine. The Shifting Skies top by Ellen Gormley is nice but not for me. I would not wear a cut away sleeved top over a sweater. I used to wear the shape as a summer top when I was much young so maybe that is what is influencing me.
The Walnut vest by Mary Beth Temple is not what I would make either. Firstly I don't have a man to crochet for and secondly I can't think of any man that I know wanting to wear such a garment. In one colour maybe but not striped.
The Winter Wrap by Natasha Robarge is very striking but I would not wear it. I think it is more for the young.
The Harvest Jumpers by Avril Dailly are good basic sweater patterns for children. They are not too openwork so would suit boys as well as girls.
Pandora's Cushion by Aileen Lochhead is gorgeous. It is worked in freeform and scumbles which is something that I have never been very good at. There are a couple of pages to give the general idea of how to make it. I am not sure if it gives the pattern row by row or if you have to use your imagination.
The Henna Rug by Claire Montgomerie is made in super chunky but if I were to make this I would prefer a sturdy hemp or cotton so that it would not fluff with constant foot traffic.
The Friendly Frog by Sharon Maher is one of those patterns that I love to look at but hate making. I don't mind the crochet but I cannot stand all of the fiddling about stuffing the frog and embroidering features.
The Lily Shawl by Anniken Allis is beautiful but as it is made in hexagon motifs I would get very bored. There is something about circular and hexagon motifs that drives me nuts. I would far rather crochet something that is all in one piece than having to make 33 hexagons and sew them all together.
The Shredded Shawl by Linda Permann does not set my hook alight but I can see that my nieces might like it. I have seen far prettier scarves in the past.
Whilst I like the Gytha jumper by Amanda Perkins I would be so afraid that the shaped sides would add more bulk to my girth at the hip line. Advertised in the next issue is a jacket with a similar hem line and I think that would be more flattering than this sweater.
The cavity wall insulation men came this morning and decided that they will come back another day as they were loathe to walk on the garage room without the right equipment. I don't blame them as the roof slopes. They are going to be making far more holes than I anticipated so I will have to do some painting once it is finished. I thought that all of the holes would be outdoors but because I have exterior walls indoors due to added extensions then they need to drill into those as well. I hope that I get well enough to paint in the New Year.
I managed to get up to the village today as the rain has melted all of the snow. It felt good to be out and about again even if it was to collect a prescription and a bit of shopping for the freezer. I have an appointment for later next week to see the GP about some anti inflammatory tablets as recommended by the hospital.
Well it's back to the grindstone tonight with my knitting. The black cardigan has a back and almost 2 fronts but I don't knit that at night. Last night I started the second brown jacket for the smaller boy and knitted half of the back of that.
Tomorrow I hope to get to Knit Club but I will take my light coloured crochet as the light in there is not strong enough to knit darker colours.
I agree with you on ALL the patterns.
I'm so glad to hear you are getting out and about. I'm finally doing a bit more myself now that my diabetes is starting to get under control. Maybe that was part of the problem all along.
Keep those hooks and needles flying, Jan. You do such beautiful work. I'm jealous.
There are some very nice projects here. I like that cover sweater as well as Pandora's cushion and the Henna rug. The Lily shawl also looks very pretty.
I have found that I can get this magazine locally at Barnes & Noble. It just takes a while. LOL In a couple of months, this issue will be on our shelves. That's okay, my 'to do' list just gets longer.
Have a wonderful day!
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