Not much time to blog today. As you can see I am far from completing my Christmas present projects. The black cardigan now has a back and part of a front and the rest of the wool is on order. The first brown cardigan just needs stitching together but I still have to make the matching one for the younger boy. The multi coloured crochet is the first of two cardigans destined for my great grand daughters. I started this jacket at the hospital and carried on at the Kings Arms Knit Club. The lighting in there isn't as bright as I like it so there is no way that I can work on dark colours.
My first of three Purplelinda orders arrived today. With the adverse weather conditions it has taken just over a week to arrive which is much longer than normal. I am glad now that I decided to order the darker pink colour as I think that this pale pink James C Brett Marble chunky is a bit pale for my great grand daughters. I have got a new expected baby girl to knit or crochet for so the wool will get used up. The darker pink is on it's way but it will probably be next week before that turns up. I am glad that I didn't wait until the black had run out to order some more. I will definitely need another ball so I ordered two to be on the safe side. A left over ball of black wool is always useful for a hat or wrist warmers. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this third order arrives before Christmas.
I put in a largish online order with Tesco and that also arrived today. I will still have to get more fresh food before Christmas but I now have meat and bread in the freezer and plenty of tinned stuff so it will be just fresh top ups that I need before Christmas. I hate shopping when the stores are full of people all buying enough food for a siege. I go to my brother and sister in law for Christmas dinner so I don't need to buy a lot of extra food. Just something to drink and nice biscuits to offer when company calls. I like to have enough in so that apart from bread and milk I don't have to shop again until the New Year. If the snow comes down again I can ask neighbours to get me some essentials. My neighbours are really good with me when the weather is bad as they know that I struggle to get out in the snow.
Coffee time and back to the grindstone. Mother Christmas is on overtime this year. I plan to spend the rest of the day knitting and crocheting (unless I fall asleep as I am prone to do)
Hi Jan,
Truly you are an inspiration! I do not know how you find the time to do all the things you do!! And everything you make is so beautiful. Your family and friends are very lucky to have a lady like you. Hope your weather improves and you can manage to get out to get some fresh food. The rain has stopped for a while here, we may get a chance to mow the grass before it starts again. Happy knitting and crocheting.
Margaret from DownUnder
Hope all is well with you, I've read about the freezing weather and snow in the UK. Keep warm. :)
No snow where I live, just very dry weather.
Hello Jan - you amaze me with all that you accomplish in such a short time. You must be a speed knitter! I am making a few little coffee cup bands (to put around paper cups so that your fingers don't burn when you get coffee) for my coworkers and I am beginning to think I will have to crochet Easter Eggs instead of Christmas Wreaths to go on them! BTW it is minus 25C here, and last night we had freezing rain followed by snow. Still, snow covered hills are a beautiful site out of my window.
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