As I am writing the blog today the snow is coming down thick and fast in large flakes. When I took the photo half an hour ago the snow wasn't really sticking on the ground but now it is starting to coat the pavements. I am glad that I stocked up food wise as I won't be going far in this snow although I do have a GP's appointment tomorrow afternoon that I will have to keep. Thankfully I still have my crutches as my scooter doesn't like snowy hills.
My Sister in Law brought me the Paperwhite Narcissus bulbs for my birthday and they are now growing quite well. Hopefully I will have some lovely blooms just after the Christmas period.
I have finished all the pieces of the black jacket but still have to stitch everything together. I have started the second boy's jacket but still have the first one to stitch up. I think that this afternoon will be a stitching up kind of day. The first of the crochet jackets just needs a collar and some bands and that too will be ready for stitching up. I must confess that stitching things together is not my favourite pastime which is why I keep leaving things until there is a few to stitch.
Thank you for all of your complimentary messages about the Kings Arms Knitters Christmas tree. I have passed the messages on to the members. I think that I can say that we are all pleased with the results of our labours. As several pub regulars have expressed wishes to buy the ornaments it might be a good idea to start earlier making ornaments next year and then we can sell them in aid of the Kings Arms knitters chosen charity of Breast Cancer. We do take part in several projects for charity during the year and I believe that Rachael has some plans for the New Year. We try to do our bit for local worthy causes or to raise money for Breast Cancer research.
Oscar the cat came in today very wet and bedraggled from the rain that came before the snow started. He was in a stand off with a magpie when I shouted him in. The magpies are very bold around here and terrorise the local cats rather than the other way around as you would expect.
The sound on my other TV in the dining room keeps fading on and off so that will be something else that I will have to replace after Christmas. It is an old TV as I put the newish one in the lounge. I have had my money's worth out of this TV so I can't grumble. It used to be the TV that my son had. The PC is in the dining room also so I like to have something to watch when I am on the PC. Hopefully there will be some bargains in the January sales and I can get someone to go and get me a new one or take me to where I can buy one myself.
I still have two presents to start and another one to finish knitting. After that I just have two people that I haven't yet bought presents for. All I need now is some wrapping paper and a few cards. I don't send cards as a rule. I just send a couple to people that I don't see because they live far away.
I will get the Interweave Crochet, Beverooni, but as I subscribe my copy always arrives much later than the ones in the US do. I don't think that the UK edition is due until the 30th. I have seen the previews online though.
Whilst I have been typing the snow has stopped so I hope that the flurry that we had will be the only one. I was surprised to see snow, although it was forecast, as I didn't feel that it was cold enough for snow.
Time for a coffee and then it is back to the stitching up whilst it is still daylight. Then it will be blocking time. I can't stitch the buttons on yet as my other niece bought some buttons for it and I won't see her until the weekend.
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