I hope that you all had a Happy Christmas. I had a great day spent with my Brother and his family and extended family. It's probably the one day of the year when the family are all in the same place at the same time and to me that is what Christmas is all about. It's lovely to give presents and to receive them but I would trade all of that for a family day any time. I was invited to my son's house but as they have all of the children and grandchildren there plus all the animals they already had a full house. My eldest step grand daughter's central heating boiler burst all over her kitchen floor just before Christmas so she and my great grand daughters have been living at my son and daughter in laws house until the boiler and the laminate floor gets fixed after Christmas.
I did see my son on Christmas Day and he brought me a most welcome present of the exercise pedals. My physio had recommended that I got some to try to improve the mobility in my knees. I have then set up in the front room so that I can crochet, pedal and watch the TV at the same time. I like multitasking. I can't bear to sit still and watch TV.
My family know me well and I got a wonderful array of knit and crochet books, a DVD and a couple of Cd's along with a new red hooded jacket. I also got an assortment of toiletries. My niece knows that I have inexpensive tastes and would rather have a box full of everyday toiletries than an expensive gift box of perfumed bath bottles that I can't use because of my eczema. The slightest hint of perfume and my legs flare up and are very sore.
I just love the present that my niece's husband's mother made for me. I love anything handmade and it's rare that I get anything as everyone knows that I knit and crochet. It is a picture with a tiny knitted scarf and tiny knitting needles made from cocktail sticks with a bead on the end to simulate knobs. The verse says 'If I should knit while I'm asleep, I pray the Lord my gauge to keep, And if I die before I wake, I pray I may my knitting take' It must have taken Renee ages to make it for me and I think that it's lovely.
I am going to plant my Hyacinth bulbs today. My Mother always had a Hyacinth growing in the window every Christmas so it brings back lovely memories of my childhood. I love the scent of the flowers. The Narcissus that my Sister in Law bought me for my birthday is just starting to flower. I have three white flowers so far but lots of buds. I keep them on my kitchen windowsill. It may seem a strange place to put them but I get pleasure from seeing them every time I wash the dishes, make my dinner or even a cup of coffee. My lounge is a little bit too warm for flowers and bulbs. They grow and fade too fast in there.
I think that all of my presents were well received and I can now start to put some photos of my finished garment presents on the blog and update my Flickr and Ravelry. I was afraid of spoiling the surprise by putting them on before Christmas.
Today I am just going to relax, listen to my new CD's and work some more on the crochet jackets for my great grand daughters that I didn't have time to finish off before Christmas. Now the mad rush is over I can relax with my knitting and crochet now. I was crocheting until 2am on Christmas Eve and even on Christmas Day I was crocheting a band and sewing on a button. I cut it very close this year. I still have a couple of things that I would have liked to make for people but they will have to be 'after Christmas' presents now.
I may be having Buster, the family dog, for a few days. As I mentioned before my son's house is a bit crowded at the moment so one less dog will be a help to them Buster is 10 yrs old now and somewhat lacking in patience with the small ones. I would have him back with me permanently as before but I am always sad for him when he can't get walked as he should be. Apart from that he is lovely company for me and I love him to bits.
Oscar the cat has made his usual appearance this morning. I didn't see him yesterday. I think that he was staying at home close by their turkey. He won't like it when Buster comes to stay as the two of them don't see eye to eye so I can't let Oscar in the house.
I know it's a bit late but Happy Christmas to everyone and I hope that you have a relaxing Boxing Day after the Christmas rush.
Merry Christmas! I love the knitting picture! I would rather receive a 'handmade' gift anyday because I know love went into the gift and not just money. Sorry to hear about your knees. I have problem with my back and legs but try to keep going. Happy New Year!
Oh Jan, I agree whole-heartedly.. I love presents.. But it's the family time together that is the best! Still, I loved seeing the gifts you got.. Worrying about my own knees, I like the exercise peddler you got, and that knitting picture with prayer is so sweet! Merry Christmas to you, and it's nice to hear you enjoyed the holiday! ~tina
Glad you had such a lovely day with your family. Love the picture with the knitting poem, so apt for you.
what a wonderful collection of gifts!!! good that you could see everybody
that knitting-in-a-frame is fantastic
don't overdo the pedal machine
take care
Love the framed knitting and poem - so much thought and time - wonderful.
Christmas is definitely about our families and friends - oh a bit of food comes in handy too
Belated Merry Christmas Jan. Loved all your gifts. The knitting picture can also be made as a brooch too. We have had a very wet Christmas, my husband and I went away for four days, but had to cut the holiday short because of all the rain. Roads have been cut and people have been stranded for 3/4 days. We were lucky and are now home. We picked up our cat and dog from the kennels this afternoon, they were thrilled to see us!
Hope the New Year is a good one for you Jan. Take Care.
Margaret - DownUndermargsimmo@gmail.com
looks like you got some great pressies jan! i got some new books too, we'll have to compare soon :o)
Rach x
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