I think that Eve's jacket will be ready for the deadline of Sunday lunchtime. That is when I am meeting up with my two nieces for Sunday lunch and as the jacket has to go to London for Eve's birthday then that would be the ideal time to hand it over. Bev you are so right about the new craft light. Once I had found the best place to stand it then I was knitting merrily away despite the wool being navy blue. I am not losing my sight after all the light I was working under was just too dim!
I now feel more confident about finishing off my Christmas knitting. It will soon be the time when I won't be posting much on the blog due to the fact that what I am making is a surprise for someone who might read my blog. Most of my Christmas knitting is usually dark colours so I think that the light was a good investment.
I still have a sleeve and a half to knit but decided to block the body of the jacket to save time later. It isn't patchy by the way that is just the layer of water where I have sprayed it before patting it into shape. Now you see why the band took me so long to knit. I am glad that I didn't leave it until the last now.
Last night it was so windy that I thought that tiles would be blown off the roof or I would lose a tree or some garden furniture. I had to prop the porch door shut as the catch isn't working too well and high wind opens the door. As the door is all glass I thought that it might smash like it did once before in a storm. I had to tape the letterbox shut or it would have been banging all night. Fortunately on inspection today I can't see any tiles on the floor and I seem to have all my bushes, trees and garden furniture. The local news on TV shows many trees blown down and bricks and chimneys on the floor or worse still on top of cars. Luckily I don't think anyone has been injured in the storm. When I think of all the places in the world that have hurricanes I know I am such a wimp to be cowering in my house when high winds (well they are for the UK) blow all around the house. Our winds probably wouldn't raise an eyebrow in some parts of the world.
A surveyor came today as I am eligible for free cavity wall insulation. Anything that will help to keep the fuel bills down this winter is a plus for me. I am having it done now whilst I am on the Disability Living Allowance because once my other knee has been replaced then I might not be eligible for free insulation if the DLA stops. Today is quite chilly but I tend to put a shawl on instead of turning the thermostat up any more. I am ever mindful of the fuel bills especially if the government decides to cut the fuel allowance for pensioners altogether. What they give us now doesn't pay the winter fuel bill but it does mean that I am not afraid to put the heating on when the weather turns cold as I have the extra money to put towards the bill.
I was going to do some shopping today but I had to wait in for the surveyor and after he had gone I wimped out of going out. I will wait until tomorrow to do a bit of shopping. My niece is calling tomorrow morning to do my roots. I haven't had my colour done since just before I went into hospital so they badly need doing. I want to look nice for my Sunday Lunch.
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