I have had 3 parcels delivered today. I have been going through my stash and decided that I needed some extra balls in a few colours if I was going to make something with the stash that I already have. The odd balls are to match up with stash that I already have. I ordered some from Texere and some from Purplelinda.
The metallic yarn is destined for Christmas tree ornaments for the Kings Arms Knit Club and I will start something when I finish off the knitted jacket for Eve and also when the crochet ornament pattern that I ordered from Purplelinda arrives as it is out of stock at the present.
The assorted photo is of the goods from Purplelinda. I have treated myself to a green frog row counter that I can wear around my neck. I knit with my needles under my arm so the row counters that fit on the needle can get turned around by my armpit so they are not reliable to tell the right row.
I ordered a flower loom. I used to have one years ago, but can't find it, and no doubt I will find it now that I have ordered another one. This one has pins that I can put in different places to make different sized flowers. The one that I have lost had rigid pins and only made the flowers in one size. I thought that I would try out a flower or two in the metallic yarn for the Christmas tree.
The plastic rings are to use when I make crochet buttons, I also need a couple for making some of the Christmas ornaments. I already have some smaller rings lost in the house somewhere. I am sure that I have a mischievous pixie living with me who hides the things that I am looking for. The hat pattern is to try and make myself a new hat for this winter. Every year I make several and they don't suit me. I am still looking for THE pattern that won't make me laugh out loud when I try it on. I also want to make a hat to go with the knitted scarf that I am making for Louise. As it is physio day tomorrow the scarf will be coming with me to the hospital so that I can work a few more rows as I wait for the transport to bring me home again after physio.
The Sit Right seat is something that I saw on the TV and thought might be useful for either my recliner or this PC chair. When I recline my chair the back goes down when my legs come up and I feel like I am leaning too far back and in the wrong position to crochet or knit. I am hoping that this aid will correct my posture by sitting me more upright. If that doesn't work I can use it on the computer chair to support my back whilst I am typing and browsing.
Coffee time and back to Eve's jacket. I have got up to the armhole shaping on the second front so am hopeful of it being finished in time for Sunday. I do hope that the Gas Man comes soon and can repair the boiler so I can shower.
lovely packages, Jan.
hope the shower is fixed, now
Wonderful getting things in the mail, isn't it. So much fun!
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