I have been hither and thither over the last couple of days.On Friday the weather was truly awful but I did have to get some shopping in. I took my yellow plastic cape with me and when the heavens opened I looked like a big yellow duck flying down the street on my scooter. Well a 4mph fly that is. One guy said to me isn't the cape supposed to be keeping you dry and not get wrapped around the scooter as well. I didn't want my shopping to get wet so I draped the cape over me and the handles and basket. It worked quite well as apart from the rain on my face I did get home nice and dry.
I was searching through my crochet and knit books and magazines on Friday to find some ornaments to make for the Kings Arms Christmas Tree. My books are a higgeldy piddeldy mess as you can see and really need sorting. I can never get the Crochet Calendars back in their boxes neatly so they finish up in a messy pile as you can see. I didn't even get to look through the 4 boxes of loose patterns and magazines that I have stored. I got fed up after searching every mag and book.
I knitted a Snowman and a Father Christmas but there are no photos as yet as I gave them to Rachael as I didn't have any wadding to stuff them with nor am I much good with a needle when stitching up and embroidering tiny things.
Yesterday I went with Rachael (Artyarn) to the Islington Mill Salford to a knit and crochet session and made a crochet snowflake in silver metallic that turned out more the size of a doily. I have started making some Christmas tree shapes and I will take a photo of them before I give them in at the Kings Arms on Monday night. Rachael is going to embroider some snow on the trees when they are done.
In between all of this I have managed to finish off the back of Eve's jacket and have cast on the first front. Another part of my wool order from Purplelinda arrived on Friday and the new copy of Crochet Today arrived yesterday. The Bamboo cotton is for my niece's mother in law for Christmas.I have another two orders outstanding as I am trying to buy all of my yarns for Christmas projects ready for when I want to start.The Christmas crochet ornament book that I ordered is out of stock so I will have a wait a few days for that to arrive. I was counting on that coming as I have ordered some more metallic yarns for ornaments. I know that there are lots of free patterns on the net but as I don't have a printer at the moment I don't want to have to write them all down or sit in front of the PC crocheting and miss the TV programmes.
Today started off quite sunny and I got my washing ready but by the time the bedding has finished it had gone too dull to hang it out so it's now in the dryer.
Time for a coffee then a quick hoover and dust before I start another crochet Christmas Tree. I want to make a couple more things before I go to the Knit Club tomorrow.
I can tell your knee is doing better because your life sounds like it's pretty much back to normal (whatever normal is, right?).
Sounds like you have been super busy. I finally finished my doily and swore never to make another and then my mother commented someone had asked her to make two for Christmas gifts and the thread is just too small for her anymore. So I am going to use the larger again and make a couple for her to give away. That also means a yarn order. Fun, fun, fun, isn't it?
Hugs from across the pond.
Do hope your knee is feeling better, you sound like a busy lady who doesn't just sit and feel sorry for herself... I find crochet a relaxing time and having something to show for that time and share with others is just great.. :))
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