I feel like I am knitting a mile long scarf. This has been my going to physio project. I have knitted it whilst waiting for the ambulance to give me a ride home. The scarf isn't actually going to be a mile long that's an exaggeration. I have knitted approx 70" and it is supposed to be 100" long and then the fringe is added to make it even longer. Louise's birthday is not until the 8th December so I still have time to knit the final 30".
I haven't started anything else as my wool orders should arrive this week and when they do I can start to knit my London niece's jacket.
I smiled when I read the comment on my last post from Ailsa (Mad about Craft). She has given me a brilliant excuse that I can use to persuade myself that ordering more wool is not a crime. She says I should tell myself that I am saving money by buying now as the VAT tax is set to go up after Christmas and so the prices will rise because of this. Thanks Ailsa for giving me a perfect excuse for ordering again before Christmas. See I am saving money!
I did pay another chunk off my credit card today so I am feeling very virtuous anyway. OK OK so I know that at my age and with my resources I shouldn't be building up a credit card bill but hey it is almost Christmas and a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
I crocheted 3 holly leaves and berries last night for the Kings Arms Christmas tree. Not the best looking leaves that I have ever made and for some reason the spikes on the holly leaves want to point in the wrong direction. Perhaps no-one will notice once they are on the tree.
I had my lodger cat Oscar sleeping the night. I went to put out the dustbin last night and he dived in through the open door and straight into the spare bedroom. Hey Oscar - you live next door remember. He went home this morning and when I came home from shopping he darted in again whilst I was parking my scooter in the garage. He is getting very cheeky. He doesn't wait to be asked in any more he just pushes the door open with his nose and dashes in. He doesn't like this cold weather and wants to spend as much of his life indoors if he can.It must be tea time at his house as he has just asked to be let out. It's a cats life alright.
Its also my excuse! I have bent my plastic tonight to beat the VAT increase.
The way you work, I wouldnt be surprised if you finished that scarf tomorrow. lol
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