When it's the wee small hours and I can't sleep I always think that it's a good idea to browse my favourite web sites for wool. Is it so that later I can call it Twilight Sleep Ordering ;-). At the moment I cannot resist E Kemp as they have so many bargains at the moment and all of these things that I bought cost 89p a ball. Such bargains. I bought two more balls of the blue fleck as the site said there was only 2 left so I couldn't leave them there when I had the other 16 LOL.
Unless I go mad before Christmas I only have one outstanding order and that is some pink chunky to make jackets for my great grand daughters. I can't remember if anything else 'fell' into my basket whilst I was ordering that.
I am coming to the end of Christmas Tree crochet ornaments for the Kings Arms Knit Club Christmas Tree. I think that it is being decorated tonight so we will know after that if there is enough decorations or if it still looks a bit sparse. The crochet angel made from an old fashioned wooden clothes peg was something that I doodled up last night. As a young child I used to design clothes for my dolls and when I ran out of dolls (I didn't have many) I used my Mother's clothes pegs and knitted and stitched clothes for them. I painted faces on them and called them my family. My Mother had little patience for what she called my 'doll rags' and I used to be devastated to come home from school on wash days and find that my 'family' was pegging the washing to the line! My Mother was a knitter but for her things had to have a practical use so she didn't encourage me in my 'fanciful' ways for fashion design. My aunt, however, used to help me with this and used to buy me the cardboard cut out dolls with paper clothes that slotted onto the shoulders with tabs and give me sheets of paper and coloured pencils and encouraged me to design more outfits for these cardboard dolls. When I finally got a teenager plastic doll (way before the Sindy and Barbies of this world) I used to be forever knitting and sewing for them. When my nieces grew old enough for a Sindy I used to make all kinds of clothes for their dolls. My sister in law says that she still has loads of them stored in the loft. I think that secretly she is hoping that one day she may be the Grandmother of a little girl so that she can pass them along.
Buster didn't go home until today. With the party and house guests my son didn't have time to pick him up yesterday. Buster didn't mind an extra day with me and although he was overjoyed to see his 'Dad' he kept running back in the house when it was time to go home. Ideally Buster would like the best of both worlds. Me to make a big fuss of him and his Mum and Dad to take him for walks and the other 2 dogs to play with. His ideal world would have everyone in one place. He gets very bored with me after a few days as I can't run around with him as they do.
I am hoping to get to the Kings Arms tonight. I hope to start the black knitted cardigan or the navy crochet sweater tomorrow once I have given everywhere a good hoover. The cushions and the throws are already in the washer. When I go upstairs for my shower I will change the bedding. I love having Buster but there is so much cleaning to do once he goes home. For a short haired dog he sure sheds a lot of hair and it always seems to stick all over whatever I am making.
1 comment:
Oh wow! What bundles of joy those are and the ornaments are darling.
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