My Fur Baby is here for the weekend so there won't be much knitting or crocheting done until he goes home again on Sunday eve. He sticks that close to me that I feel like I have a furry shadow. He is behind me at every step.I have lost count of the times that I have almost fallen over him. I just wish that he wasn't so large though as he wants to sit on my knee all of the time or wrap his paws around my neck. The minute that I get off my recliner for any reason he gets on it. It's going to be a long weekend but I do love him so much that I don't mind that much. He will settle down a bit by tomorrow and stop clinging so much. Buster found his squeaky ball within 5 mins of arriving and has staked a claim on the 3 seater sofa when he is not trying to sit on my knee.
I have had another two deliveries in the post today. I ordered some shawl pins from Pavi Yarns. I ordered one ages ago in black but as it doesn't go with every shawl that I have I ordered 3 more in different colours. One of them is a perfect match for the long crocheted jacket that I have just finished. The jacket is only fastened by a belt and as it is a bit on the smallish side (until it gets washed) the exact colour shawl pin will make a good fastener for the jacket.
The other delivery was from Purplelinda. I needed another 2 balls of the Patons Classic cotton for my sister in law as I have decided on a pattern that takes more yarn than I first ordered. I also ordered some Black double knit as I have a couple of shawlettes and fingerless mitts to make for Christmas presents. The two booklets are knitted ones. I am going to see if either of my nieces likes any styles from them or if my niece thinks that my sister in law would like one of them better than the pattern that we chose last week. I haven't started it yet so there is plenty of time to change my mind. I will post photos of the designs tomorrow.
It will be a quietish weekend for me and Buster. I had planed to try and walk him today but I got up from my chair and my knee gave way and was really painful. I was worried for a while until the feeling passed. I thought that I had done some damage to the knee but I think that I must have been sitting in a funny position because after I rested it I tried a few tentative stretches and all seems to be well although it is a lot stiffer and less bendy than it was yesterday. It did worry me for a few minutes though. I am hoping that after a night's sleep it will be back to normal again. I do hope that nothing untoward has happened as I really feel that I am making good progress with my mobility.
Buster has gone very quiet in the other room. I hope that now he has been fed and watered that he will have a nap for a little while and let me get on with some crochet. I can't tell you what I am making as it is a Christmas present for someone who sometimes reads my blog.
Happy Weekend to you all.
1 comment:
Nice to see you have Buster back again for the weekend. The shawl pins are lovely and handy to wear on lots of different things.
Have a nice weekend with Buster and look forward to seeing what you make next.
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