Why is a triple craft cardigan? Well I machine knitted the main part. Hand made the twisted ribs and then crocheted along the buttonhole band as it was fluting outwards. I could say that I used 4 crafts as I sewed on the buttons but I think that is going a bit too far.
I have no idea what the wool is. It was part of some donated wool from a friend and I have already made two hooded jackets for my niece's godsons with the same wool and may have enough to make another cardigan if I eke it out with another colour.
Today I got up fairly early and thought that I was quite rested and with it. That was before I realized why my bacon wasn't cooking. I had put the bacon under the grill and switched on the oven! Guess I wasn't quite as rested as I thought!
I am stitching up the red cardigan that I knitted yesterday and knitting the borders for it. I hope to not only finish the red cardigan off tonight but also finish off the lilac sweater. I did crochet a couple of inches onto it last night but there is still a way to go as I like my sweaters to cover my bottom if at all possible. Maybe I think that it gives the illusion of being slimmer if I cover my widest bit. It doesn't really but I can live in hope.
Thanks everyone for your input as to where Kim can buy the booklets. I do hope that she can find them in the US as it will be far cheaper for her than importing an already imported booklet if you know what I mean.
Quiet day today. No parcels in the post. The only thing that I am expecting this week in the Inside Crochet magazine and perhaps a couple of crochet books that I pre ordered on Amazon a while ago. I think that their release date is the beginning of September for one of them and October for another.
Today has been a nice day so I have taken advantage of a good drying day and stripped the beds. I don't mind taking the bedding off but it always seems such a chore to put the duvet cover back on. I always finish up fighting with the king size duvet and it's cover. I have tried different methods and always end up tangling up in it!. If my niece helps me she has it mastered in a matter of a minute or so.
Have a fantastic day, Jan!
I do like the way you have knitted the band, just a little different :))
Heres to a great day :)) Blessings pat in tas :))
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