These are some of the projects from the Oh Baby! Crochet book that I bought from Amazon the other day. I will have some more photos for the blog tomorrow as there are lots of things in the book. I find it to be very girlish even though some of the things are marked as for a boy.
The Frilly Dress by Diane Simpson is my favourite of the book. I do wish that people who I know had baby girls and the ones who I know who do have girls liked to dress them up in frilly dresses and not jeans and a T shirt.
The Hooded Baby Gown by Joyce Nordstrom is what I used to call a sleeping bag. I found them to be very useful as when my son was a baby we didn't have central heating and it got very cold at night. I had a couple of sleeping bags but in quilted nylon which was all the rage at the time. It was a very cold winter when Ian was born and he constantly kicked off his blankets so sleeping in a bag was the best alternative.
The Little Man Christening Set by Sue Childrens is not something that I would have put my son in. The jacket and hat maybe when he was a newborn but certainly not the lacy shorts and overlarge bootees.
The Bonnet by Sue Childrens has a little pair of Mary Jane shoes and that would make a nice set for a baby girl's christening.
The Boy's Striped hat and Sweater by Dianne Stein is a nice pattern for a girl but I certainly wouldn't make it for a boy. That pattern is too feminine and I would definitely never use a pinky lilac on a boy.
The Girls Striped Hat and sweater is also by Dianne Stein. I do like that hat and the stripey pattern on the jacket but I would alter the collar as it looks a bit large and off the shoulder for a baby.
The Baby Delight set by Darla Sims has granny squares to form the yoke and one for the back of the bonnet. Quite a pretty jacket but I would replace the ties on the jacket with buttons.
The Baby Biker Bibs by Paula Gron are a novelty item but I would have to alter the ties as they seem to be placed too close together to fit around a baby's neck.
The Overall Bib by Lucille LaFlamme is not an all in one but simply a front that has straps around the back of the legs to keep it in place. Pretty but I don't think that it would have much of a practical purpose as the crochet would not absorb much in the way of dribbles and food spills.
The Duck Hooded Towel and Bath Mitt by Helen Heaverin is very cute but I would think that it had more use as a wrap to keep baby warm in after a bath rather than a towel to absorb water.
The Bear Diaper Cover and Cap by Michelle Wilcox may be useful for the Mum's who use the cloth diapers but it doesn't appear to have any back rise shaping to accommodate the thickness of a diaper at the back. I suppose that they could be worn over a disposable with a T shirt to look cute. Not one for me though.
The Baby Hat by Nancy Nehring is similar to a pattern that I already have. I would not make this as I find it too difficult to crochet with loopy, lumpy, textured wool and unless the hat had got a border of this then it would look very plain. A bit strange though having nothing to fasten the hat with. Most babies would have that off their head and on the floor in two seconds flat!
There are a lot of accesories and baby afghans still to show. I haven't taken photos of some of the items as like the crocheted baby book they heavily feature cross stitch for the details and I am no good at things like that. To me it is more like an embroidery project than a crochet one. They do give detailed diagrams though if embroidery is your thing.
The bottom photo is just some freeform crochet that I have made to go with the roses for Artyarn's project in Accrington. The idea is freeform and just let your imagination wander. One of mine looks like a green loopy fir cone and the other something that is a cross between the Clangers and a disco ball! The yellow loopy one reminds me of a dandelion but with sea weed tendrils.
I got a phone call today from my friend Sue. We are off wool browsing to a mill tomorrow. My bank card will be taking another bashing. I have a good excuse for stash enhancing as I might not be out and about for a while after the op. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it. Internet shopping is not quite the same as seeing wool in the ball and skein and being able to feel it's texture.
Talking about the hospital my heart nearly stopped today when I got a call from the surgeon's secretary. She is usually the bearer of bad news so when she started the conversation with - "We have just got the results on your pre op tests" my mind was preparing for bad news. However she said I haven't got time to send a letter to you telling you where to report and what time to check in so can you phone me on Monday to confirm all of the details. I am not getting too excited yet as things can change over a weekend and an emergency can take my allocated bed. I hope that you are all keeping thoe fingers crossed as am I.
My long crochet jacket for myself is still progressing slowly and is about 16" long now and I am almost at the waist decreases. I had a break making the roses and the freeform so it's time now to try and get a bit more done.
I still have a lot of housework to do before Tuesday. I know that things like floor mopping will take a back seat after my op so I at least want things to be as clean as I can make them before I go in. Today I cleaned the bathroom and put the washed shower curtain and bath mats back. I cleaned the front room but that still leaves this room and the kitchen which is a day of a job. I will leave the bedding and bedroom until Monday when I might just pack my case ready for the hospital. I never got as far as packing it the last two times so maybe it will bring me luck if I do pack it up.
My niece has just text me to say that she can do my hair roots on Saturday but I am already going out so she will come on Sunday. It will be more awkward to do them after the op when I can't bend my knee for a little while because of all the dressings.
As I have the second half of the book photos to show you tomorrow I might make you wait to see any wool purchases that I buy tomorrow. Is that mean of me? Hee Hee
Oh what cute patterns. I have seen a few similar ones here and there but several of them have a whole new look, don't they? My kids all slept in those sleeping bags as well. Right now I'm working on a baby bunting in Tunisian crochet but the bottom will be closed as it's not designed for sleeping. Making baby things is so much fun.
I do hope the op comes through and by this time next week you are well on the road to recovery. Keep us posted. Hugs from Utah.
I enjoyed looking at those lovely patterns and look forward to seeing the rest of them and also your yarn purchases tomorrow. Hope all goes well for you this time and you soon get better and able to walk without pain.
The patterns in that book are so nice, thanks for sharing. :) I would make that dress for my daughter in a minute if I could, I absolutely loved it! I just completed crocheting up a dress for her, and it's become her favorite item; she wears it until it's soiled, then I handwash it and she wears it again. I also made a matching handbag to go with it, I'll be posting up a picture of the dress, the matching handbag and the headband tonight so have a look on my blog if you like and tell me what you think. :)
Ching! Ching! There goes more money out of my bank account for the baby book :-)
Here's wishing you well on your hospital stay! Make sure to get back here ASAP because we need you and will miss you !
Loved the freeform crochet. Jan I hope you have a wonderful time at tomorrow. I am sure you will end up with lots and lots of fantastic goodies! Fingers and toes are crossed for your stay in hospital.
You will be in my thoughts and in my prayers. Best of British.
Margaret - DownUnder.
Loved the freeform crochet. Jan I hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow. I am sure you will end up with lots and lots of fantastic goodies! Fingers and toes are crossed for your stay in hospital.
You will be in my thoughts and in my prayers. Best of British.
Margaret - DownUnder.
Can you tell me if this is the book you ordered? There is one pattern in particular that I am interested in, and I want to make sure the book is the same. Thanks!!
I couldn't read your link but the book that I am reviewing is Oh Baby! Crochet by Connie Ellison and I bought my copy through
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