Baby B will be a miniature Guardsman wearing this jacket. When my son was small I bought him an expensive jersey jacket in navy with a red trim and gold buttons to wear at my Brother's wedding. It was worth the money though as he wore it for over a year until it went too small and then a neighbour's boy wore it for another 12 months. I doubt if you can get quality like that these days. I also passed on the lined navy shorts and when I saw the neighbour's child it was like seeing a double of Ian only smaller!
This jacket was made using Patons Fab DK. Once again it is a mixture of crafts. Machine knitting for the main part, hand knit for the garter stitch borders and crochet for the front edging. My buttonholes didn't turn out as neat as I would have liked but as I am only practising my machine knitting at the moment then hopefully I will get better the more I practice. As I had to use about 20 grams of the second 100 gram ball I am hoping to get a small cardigan for Little Legs out of the remaining ball. It won't be double breasted like this one is as I don't think that I have enough wool to do that. I hate wasting part balls of wool though and try to use every scrap of wool when I buy new yarn. Little Legs will probably get a plain red V neck cardigan
Today is a bit windy but warm enough to have the patio doors open. Not much sun though but at least it isn't raining yet although the weatherman have promised us rain for next week. Now there is a change. Rain in Manchester !!
I managed to crochet a bit more on my lilac sweater last night and am almost down to the hips where I divide the sweater into two to make side slits. I am hoping to finish it off tonight. I said that yesterday but I got sidetracked with finishing off the red jacket.
Poppy has been in and out of the garden all day so I now have 3 parcels on my lawn. I bet her owner thinks that she is constipated as she does her poops on my lawn and not her own. I had to tell her off early this morning as she caught sight of next door's cat through the fencing and would not stop barking. I know that my next door neighbour on the other side likes a lie in on a Sunday so I can imagine that Poppy was annoying her. She is a lovely dog but such a yapper. She has gone in to her own garden now and all I can hear is her barking. I stopped Buster from barking unless someone came to the door but as Poppy isn't my dog it's not my place to interfere.
The baby of my neighbours from across the road has almost found his feet. They have a large grey Husky dog and he was grabbing hold of chunks of it's fur to lever himself up to his feet. Fortunately the dog didn't seem to mind him doing that. When I looked across again the baby was almost out of the front door which is a bit dangerous as they have steep steps. His Dad stopped his fun and took him back inside. I have a feeling that they are going to have to have eyes in the back of their heads with that one. The look on his face is pure mischief. He isn't one until a couple of weeks but I think he will be walking before his first birthday.
ETA - Why have I got my Grandma's old creaky Knees today? Sigh. Inside I am buzzing. Outside I am knackered. I wish I could get both sides to meet in the middle!
Really like that military style cardigan. You are really doing well with your machine knitting Jan. Looking forward to seeing your lilac jumper soon.
A beautiful jacket - lucky baby! looking forward to seeing your lavander beauty!
Keep your chin up I kknow it is hard to do when you are in pain :( sending irish smiles :)
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