Here I go again. I had typed out the whole blog and then pressed the wrong key on the keyboard and sent it all to oblivion. As Blogger auto saves I thought that all I had to do was retrieve it but it wasn't there. All that saved was the title! Anyway enough of my problems off I go again.
I have had a busy couple of days going to Accrington with Rachael and having a good old chit chat with everyone. As I didn't take any photographs if you click on my blog title it should take you to the page on Rachael's (Artyarn) blog where you can see lots of photos and descriptions including a photo of yours truly languishing in an armchair crocheting. On Saturday we went along to Haworth Art Gallery.
Yesterday I should have gone to Sylvia's to deliver the cardigans for the foster babies. The weather was atrocious but I would still have gone except that Sylvia and both babies are still full of colds so we didn't think that it was wise for me to go. I am thinking of posting them off today when I go out as I don't know if I can get there next weekend and if I do go into hospital who knows how long it will be before I get up to Sylvia's again. The babies need the cardigans as the weather has turned colder and they will be growing out of them if I don't get them there soon.
I managed to get another cardigan from the 400 gram balls of aran. I chose a pattern that was mostly plain as cables eat up the wool. I started Sirdar 3738 but when I started knitting I realized that the cable also had a lacy pattern running through it which I thought was rather girlish. I therefore changed it to just a plain 6 sts cable. I like the twisted ribs and collar as it brings just a touch to a plain cardigan.
I am still crocheting slowly on my longer jacket but as it is done all in one it seems to take ages to do a row. The pattern is looking very nice though it is just slower with all of the crocheting around the loops that is the pattern.
I bought two more plus sized patterns. I found them online for sale as second hand (or pre owned as they are now called) which were cheaper than if I had managed to find them to buy new. I prefer the Leisure Art booklet with the green cardigan on the front as it has more patterns in it that I will use as you can see from most of the photos. The other book is an American School of Needlework one and the designs are not as good in my opinion. There are a couple of pullovers that might be OK but they are photographed badly in my opinion.
I am stocking up on so many pattern books I think that I will have to start a catalogue of which patterns I like in which books as I spend half the day pattern browsing every time I want to find a pattern that I remember I have seen somewhere.
I have been told by Amazon that another baby crochet pre ordered book is on it's way. It was due at the end of October but apparently it has arrived early. My credit card has taken quite a bashing this last month. I might be going wool browsing this week again. Do I care? Nope I will pay it off eventually so I am not worried and most of the credit card bill was for my scooter and recliner which have made my life so much easier. I will pay a sizable chunk off it when I go to the village this afternoon.
I haven't heard anything from the hospital so I am hoping that no news is good news and that I passed my pre op tests. All I have to pray now is that there is a still a bed when it is my operation day. I got cancelled the day before my op last time. Please keep everything crossed for me during this coming week.
Jan, if you go into the Edit Posts, your post should be there. I have done exactly that same thing before and have always been able to recover my post.
I love the cabled aran baby sweater...I can't believe how fast you whip those things out!!
I hope you hear back from the hospital more positive news this time!!!
Sitting here with everything crossed for you and wishing you good luck with the operation. Hope it goes ahead this time. Love the baby coats Jan, the little cables are just right for a baby boy.
I have crossed anything and everything I can think of, including my crochet hooks.
I'm loving all the patterns and might have to pick up a couple of those books myself. I have yet to make anything for me so maybe this winter will be the time.
Hugs across the pond.
Jan, loved the photo of you taken in Accrington. I am sure when people saw the jacket you were wearing, it would have inspired them to learn to crochet! I loved the 'wirrly' things that were hung up around the place. I do hope you will have good news from the hospital soon. Fingers crossed, even though it is hard to type with them crossed!!!
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