Lots of photos today to cover up the fact that I have been out all day so nothing has been crocheted or knitted so far today. These designs are from Hooked for Toddlers by Margaret Hubert. The sizes go up to a size 2T but the chest size seem to vary from garment to garment. I haven't put all of the photos as one was on the front cover on yesterday's blog and some of the dresses were very similar.
My favourites are the white cardigan with the lilac and green trim, the colour block pullover in green, turquoise and lilac, the plain green cardigan with a blue stripe, the blue cabled pullover, the little pink sweater and the multi coloured hooded top.
The lilac and green striped dress also has a matching doll dress for a 17-19" doll. I will probably make less than half of these patterns but only because I don't have any little girls to crochet for.
My Purplelinda parcel arrived today so more photos tomorrow.I needed another ball of King Cole Riot as I have decided on different pattern and so I would not have enough for it with the wool that I have already bought. A couple of other things jumped in my basket.I can call them consolation prizes to myself.
Today I went to the hospital for the pre op tests for my knee replacement operation. I am not holding my breath as they have found something else wrong with me now which might affect the surgery. I suppose that they will let me know about that. I was born with arrhythmia so my normal heartbeat is a bit strange at the best of times. It beats to it's own tune. Today they discovered that I also have tachycardia. My heart was beating at 104 beats per minute instead of the usual 60-80 beats of a normal person. I read on the Internet that having a too fast heartbeat isn't good for me and can cause all kinds of problems. It could be a reaction to the prescription drugs that I take or it could be something wrong with my thyroid or lymph nodes. I think I should forget about the operation and form a percussion band. I could play the bongos and keep tempo with my heart. It would have to be a fast tune though! Can anyone else play a musical instrument? My son said don't worry Mum it's just because you are too fat. Nice boy!
When I read on the Internet about tachycardia it might be an explanation of what has been happening to me over the last couple of weeks. I keep nodding off without warning whilst watching TV or crocheting. I am "gone" for about 3 or 4 minutes and then I wake up again.I have been blaming my bad sleep pattern and my sleep apnea. Funnily enough one of the symptoms of tachycardia is small periods of time when you can lose consciousness just for a minute of two. I am now wondering do I fall asleep or do I just have a moment of loss of consciousness? I will see what the hospital says about my operation before I mention this symptom to them. I don't want to give them any more ammunition than they already have.
I am looking forward to going to Accrington Market tomorrow with Rachael, I will be back in the sweetie shop for sure but not for any more Sasparilla drops. I didn't like those. I will pick out another of my childhood favourites. I hope that we get as many people interested in learning how to crochet as we did last Saturday. We had a lot of interested people including a couple of small girls. Plus I have the added thought of that home made lasagne from the Market cafe. Yum Yum. I will never be slim!
Lovely patterns and I hope that your knee op still does go ahead once they figure out the heart problem. At least it has been picked up and the approproiate treatment, if necessary, can begin.
comforting (((hugs))) in the meantime!
What cute things in this newest book. Another reason for me to wish I had grandchildren, that's what this is.
I hope everything goes as planned with your operation. Tachycardia is easily treatable, so hopefully that won't be a hitch.
I think they are all cute. I think you should mention your little sleep episodes. You don't want to run the risk of complications during the surgery. Your description reminds me of the undertaker in Allo Allo. When he gets excited he feigns collapse and clutches his "ticky ticker." You'd better take care of that ticky ticker, Jan. Maybe it was just the anxiety and anticipation of wondering whether the surgery would go forward or not that caused it. Blessings and hugs!
Those lovely children's patterns make me wish that my grown-up daughters were little again, so that I could make them some of those clothes. Hope that you get your operation soon. Perhaps you were a bit anxious about the outcome of the tests and that put your heart rate up. Wishing you good luck Jan.
Lovely garments, the children model beautifully.. I am sorry to read you are having all these problems, all the best for the op. :))
Please . . . if not already done, have the doctor run tests to see if you could possibly be diabetic. If you are diabetic, "falling asleep" episodes can be fatal if no one is with you.
As for the tachycardia, this is not a fun thing. Depending on the underlying condition, maybe they can do a heart oblation. You may be like me and my daughter. We both have tachycardia due to a condition called WPW (Wolfe-Parkinson-White). My daughter had a heart oblation when she was 21. I was told I need one but have not scheduled it yet.
It's not unusual for normal testing to miss the tachycardia. I probably wore 30 Holter-Monitors and they never caught it. I was in a car accident and they put me on an EKG as a precaution and it showed up then. (Tachycardia events are sneaky little buggers :-)
You need more tests before they do surgery. You should have thyroid tests done and the diabetes test. Either of these problems can interfer with surgery and cause complications.
I do not want to frighten you but I am concerned for you. Please make sure they run these tests so you are safe.
Take care :-)
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