The postman brought me the Crochet Calendar 2011 which I was expecting and a copy of Inside Crochet that always surprises me as it is on subscription so I never remember when that is going to arrive. I haven't had time yet to properly look through then so I have just given you a taster of what is in each one. The Crochet Calendar usually has some great ideas for gifts. Scarves, shawls and mitts etc. I am not a lover of amigurumi or crochet veg so there is an awful lot in the calendar that I will not use but hey that is the norm for anything I buy that has crochet patterns in it. Each pattern is on a small sheet so they are useful for putting in my bag instead of a huge book as I often have to take with me on journeys. There seems to be a couple of baby and children's cardigans in this one that I will make. I will post more photos later but as there are many, many projects in the calendar I won't be including everything - probably just the ones that I like.
The Inside Crochet Issue 10 has a couple of things that I like and a few that I would never make. It does have some good reading in it though including an article by Robin Chachula with a couple of photos of what is in her latest baby book (which I have on pre order but it's for next year, I think, so relax Bev) as well as an article by Zoe Clements on the History of Crochet which includes a photo of Twiggy wearing a lovely suit which I remember but never had the pattern for. I do have another Twiggy suit pattern but as the name suggests it only comes in a very small size. I must have been that tiny when I made it for myself back in the 60's as I don't remember altering the pattern. How times change!! I would probably have to double the amount of starting chain these days.
Oh by the way Bev I might not be getting that baby book yet but a different one has been posted out to me so hide your eyes and your purse lol.
Last night I finished off a front of baby B's aran cardigan but my hand was starting to ache so I decided to have another go at learning Tunisian crochet. I still can't get my tension tight enough but I am working on the theory that practise will make perfect. I have made a couple of mistakes when I have split the stitch but I am hoping that the multi colours will hide those mistakes. I have lent out my learn Tunisian DVD so hopefully I will get it back at the weekend and I can progress to the 'purl' stitches. I may look up on the You Tube later but for now I am happily staying with the basic stitch until I feel more confident.
I ordered the wool through the Internet and didn't realize how much pink that there was in it. It looked more of a burgundy on my monitor. It was intended for one of the boys but as you can see there is too much pink to be manly (even though they are only small) so it will eventually go to a baby girl. It might be some time before that happens as I am still working at a very slow pace whilst learning.
Enid - you asked me why blogger makes you repeat things before it will let you post. I don't know. It does that with me when I try to post comments on friends blogs. I am sorry that I had to set up the moderation but I suddenly got bombarded with all kinds of stupid comment messages that were just pure advertisements and had nothing to do with Crochet or Knit. As I felt sure that none of my readers had the need for Viagra or a Pe*is enlargement I had to put a screen comments on the blog.
I am hoping to help my friend and founder member of the Kings Arms knitting club out at the weekend. She is going to be in Accrington teaching people how to crochet. The fact that she will be outside Habiknit wool shop has nothing to do with the fact I said I would like to go along with her. OK OK I am lying I will go anywhere for wool. Talking about wool I have put Rachael's ArtYarn blog link at the top of the page. If you click on the title of the post then it will take you there. She is a very interesting lady and the blog chronicles her projects and there is also a link to another friends pages which will update you as to when the Purl City wool shop ( and online ordering) will be open for business. She has put some photos of the progress of the premises and some of the stock that has arrived already and I just wanted to dive into the pile. Can't wait to see them in the ball and give them a squueeeeze. Happiness comes in a ball. No not those kind of balls. Behave!
I'm jumping for joy!!!!! Your Tunisian looks great. Are you getting into both loops at the last stitch? You are doing much much better than I did starting out.
Boy, I really dislike that sweater on the cover of the mag. And thanks for the warning about the other books. You have gotten to know me very well, haven't you? We're like two sisters by another mother.
Love that cable.
A note on your tension when doing Tunisian. It's something I learned a VERY long time ago as I, too, had trouble with tension...
Bring the yarn to the hook. Don't move the hook to get the yarn. It feels awkward when you start but once you get used to it, things flow along nicely. Using this method keeps the tail-end of the hook from "widening and stretching" the loops at the end.
BTW -- if you can learn to use this in regular crochet and switch back-n-forth between your normal crochet method and this one, you will reduce the strain on your hands and wrists. I'm disabled but I also have severe carpal tunnel in both wrists. I'm never giving up my crochet so I've learned to adapt :-)
Your friend,
CajunBlu :-)
Now stop tempting me with lovely pictures and techniques, lol!
I can hear my wallet sobbing.
Loving the piece you are working on, it is beautifully done.
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