Today I got three more books from the cheaper books sellers through Amazon

The pattern from the Family Crochet book might be vintage and in black and white but I think that it is still a pretty matinee for a newborn.

The little blue and white set has an interesting border pattern and the stitch of the waistcoat and skirt is very pretty and worth using to make something else.

The look on this babies face just makes me burst out laughing. I do love the little matinee though with it's pale pink trim.

The dress is probably better on the very slim but the tank top is pretty for anyone.

I remember this style very well from when I was a teenager. I had a fabric suit in this style. My mother paid a lot for it but I got my money's worth out of it as I wore it until the skirt and jacket lining shredded.

Well I doubt if I would ever have worn anything like this when I was younger but I can remember that many people did. I never had the courage to dress quite like this but I did live in a small northern town. Maybe if I had lived in a big city.

I must confess that I still have a sneaky love for the granny square poncho. I wore these in my teens and am wondering if I can still get away with wearing something like this on my scooter. I would choose more subtle colours though these days.
This hat is from the Quick Crochet book. Quite a cute hat. I only wish that I suited a hat. I have tried many styles but never found one that I think is just me.

Not sure about this style. It reminds a little of the chain mail helmets that the knights of old used to wear in battle. I think it's the shape of the
ear flaps.

The little gloves would make a lovely accessory for a vintage themed wedding. My aunt used to crochet gloves in fine cotton that looked somewhat similar, but with full fingers, which she wore to church in the summer.

This hat reminds me of a jester. I am not sure that I could keep my face straight if I met anyone wearing a hat like this.

Beaded crochet bracelets are on my 'to do' list. I have
borrowed a book from Rachael and bought a book of my own but have yet to give beading a try. I need to get some wire and fasteners. I do have some beads that I can practise with.

I quite like these cushions. I doubt that I would ever make them but the pattern stitch is very interesting.

These washcloths are from the Mason Dixon knitting book. The book is part reading articles with a few patterns. It is not the average type of knitting book. It is an expensive book but I managed to find this one on a cheap book site.

This wrap over jacket features many many times on
Ravelry. I think that it would have been better for display purposes if they hadn't chosen white on a light coloured page. It is knitted all in one and in garter stitch.

This knitting book is famous for it's log cabin type of afghans.This one is the
asymmetrical version. I have never knitted an afghan and am sure that I would never knit one either unless I could scale the pattern down to make a baby sized blanket.

This is the log cabin afghan which must be the most knitted afghan of all time. There are hundreds of these featured on
Ravelry. Once again I might make it as a baby sized blanket as I do lack the patience to sit and knit an afghan.

I haven't read the book as yet but I presume that this photo is showing that you can knit with recycled fabric. These balls do look very attractive. I suppose that the secret is in the choice of colours of the fabric that is used.

I am still plodding on with the
aran jacket. I have almost finished the back now. It is so heavy now that I have to put the bulk of the crochet on a little table as it was hurting my wrists crocheting round the post on such a big piece of crochet. I love the '
aran' style of crochet but it is very wearing on the wrists twisting and turning my hook around the front and then around the back. At least I have almost finished the biggest piece so every other piece will be smaller and lighter. The sleeves don't have the fancier pattern on them so should be quicker to crochet.
Yesterday my internet was very slow and then it went off altogether. I remember getting an e mail saying that they were updating the connection speed sometime this week. All I can say is that if this is the faster speed then it's still slow. I can almost make a cup of coffee sometimes whilst I wait for it to change from one thing to another.
For those of you who live in the UK, E Kemp wools have put some new bargains on their sale page. Some Sirdar and Rowan yarns have appeared. I have got tempted by one colour from Sirdar that I will show to you when it arrives.
Now it's time for coffee, TV and more of the crochet jacket.
What a variety of patterns, Jan. Wow! I don't ever remembering seeing anyone in crocheted pants like those. I can tell you it definitely would NOT have been me. I did have a poncho like yours though and remember wearing it a lot.
Very interesting variety of books there Jan. I love looking at the vintage patterns. The granny square poncho would be good to wear on your scooter.
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