Don't panic. I didn't rustle this jacket up overnight. I made it for a friend a couple of years ago. Today I saw a link (click on my blog title) to Top Shop and it's knitwear is full of crocheted items including a Granny Square jacket. It isn't as intricate as the one that I made for Lisa and it's squares are so big that it would take a fraction of the time to make one like that plus the back is mostly mesh. When you click on the title to view the crochet jacket click on the knitwear arrow on the page and see all the other items that are crochet or knitted. At this rate I could be looking fashionable by accident LOL A big Yeah for vintage patterns.
Not much more done on the chunky jacket last night. My niece came to dye my hair yesterday. It looked a lot darker when it was finished and today in daylight it looks even more mouse brown than it did yesterday. I went up to Superdrug today and got the right colour. I want to be a blonde again. OK so I am a bottle blonde but it is the colour that I am used to. Today I feel like a frumpy Mouse Frau. It's amazing how a hair colour can alter the way that I feel about myself. This hair colour makes me feel really dowdy and frumpy. I keep catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror and wondering who the heck it is.
I had to go out today as the paper boy had left me the wrong newspaper this morning. I think he is trying to make me more high brow as instead of my usual gutter press Sunday paper he gave me the Observer! I did phone up but the guy in the shop didn't have anyone to send down with the right paper so I had to go and pick it up for myself. Thank goodness I had charged up the scooter.
I forgot all about turning the clocks forward last night even though my friend Rachael had reminded me. It was lunch time before I realized that I had lost an hour. My body clock will take a couple of days to re-adjust to the hour loss.
My best buddy Buster is coming on Tuesday and staying with me until the following Thursday so we will have quite a few days together this time. I love it when he comes to stay but after a week or so I am glad when he goes back home.Not because I don't like him or anything but I can't walk him properly and he gets a bit bored with me after a few days and I feel so guilty. Neighbours have offered to walk him for me but he just won't go with them. My niece is going to try walking him as he knows her well enough. It will be nice not to have to feel guilty about talking out loud as I often find myself doing. Now I can say that I am chatting to Buster!
I must crack on with some knitting tonight as I went to bed early last night as my eyes would not stay open. When this happens I have stopped trying to fight sleep and now I just go with the flow. I have lots of nights when I don't sleep properly so I relish a good night's sleep every now and again. Last night I had longer than I thought as when I woke at 9am it was actually 10am! I know that it was the same amount of hours sleep that I had but it felt longer with the missing hour.
THis jacket is beautiful! I would love to make one like this because the others I have seen are not this pretty. Where can I find the pattern?
Charlotte - The pattern is called granny Takes A Trip by Ellene Warren and I bought it through Ravelry.
Your jacket is lots better than the one being sold in Top Shop, so how much would they charge for your one? Glad you had a good night's sleep Jan.
I think your jacket is so much nice and definitely more beautiful than the one at Top Shop. Good grief. That's out of this world, isn't it?
Can you walk Buster with your scooter, Jan? I know what you mean about having your dog as company. I wasn't sure about keeping my Maggie in the beginning, but now I don't know what I would do without the little buggar. She's my constant companion and is learning to go everywhere with me.
I love vintage patterns also! I once crocheted my sister a granny square skirt back in the day. She was a hippie and loved it, especially since it was long. I should dig out the picture of her wearing it someday. Anyway, great jacket you crocheted!! :=)
Love your jacket - much nicer than a lot of others that are around
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