Today my catalogue order arrived. When I don't order for a while they send me tempting offers like 20% of all items including the Sale. I had bought a pair of these boots in black before Christmas and have worn them such a lot so I decided that a red pair would lift my spirits especially since they are now half the price that I paid before. They are not as scarlet as they appear in the photo but still quite red. The sandals were also in the Sale so now I am ready for if we have any sun. A friend Julie suggested that I knitted some socks to go with both pairs. I have been very lazy on the sock knitting recently. I have some beautiful skeins and balls of sock wool ready and waiting for my sock knitting Mojo to strike.

Yes, I have been on the vintage web sites again. I couldn't resist this little dress even though at the moment I don't have any little girls to crochet for. I think that it is so sweet.

I made this dress in navy many years and and wore it such a lot. Admittedly I was half the size that I am now and I did make a liner dress in navy to go underneath it to preserve my modesty. I did have the pattern but it is another pattern that has floated off somewhere with someone. I would have to make it larger as the sizes on old patterns are so small but I did think that the short version could look nice over a pair of trousers to make a long top.

This dress was one of the first things that I ever crocheted for myself. I made it in pale blue Listers Bel Air which was a stretchy crimplene if I remember rightly. The dress is crocheted double yarn and so was really quick to make. As I was so slim in those days the extra bulk of the doubled yarn wasn't a problem. Once again I would have to make the pattern larger for me now but I still think that a short version of this dress could be worn either as a waistcoat or a top over trousers as the pattern stitch isn't see through. Another replacement pattern as my own is missing.

I didn't buy this pattern at the time as it is crocheted in strips which are stitched together and I wasn't that proficient a crocheter in those days. Now it is handy as I can add a few more strips to make it large enough to fit me as the pattern is only for a 34" bust.

I did have this pattern but never made it. Once again the largest size on the pattern is 38" but it is a simple pattern so I am sure I can add on a few more chain to make it fit me. Vintage patterns are lovely but always in very small sizes.
I have been browsing Amazon again today looking in the bargain books and patterns so I will be posting more things in a week or so. If there is a book I am not so sure I will like I have now found secondhand sites that sell the books for a little as 1p plus the postage. Yes the postage isn't cheap but but new patterns can be £2-£5 for a single sheet so even if there is only one pattern per book that I like I am still in profit.
I have been so lazy today. I got up early enough but have just lacked the energy to actually do anything. I have finished the knitting of the charcoal jacket and had every intention of stitching it up this afternoon. The PC is a time thief, Once I get browsing on Ravelry and pattern and book web sites I can waste the whole day. The PC is good though in the fact that I am never lonely. I can always find something to interest me online whether it be books or You Tube videos on crochet and machine knit or I even catch up on TV programmes that I have missed.
Tomorrow is an early start to a busy day so I had better get my bag sorted ready to grab when my niece calls in the morning to pick me up. I like to have everything to hand. Purse, keys, hospital letter and some knitting or crocheting to pass the time as I wait for my appointment. From there I am going to the Town Hall in Manchester for a knit out for International Women's day. I just hope that I get out of the hospital in time to get there for 1pm.
I must force myself to wash today's dishes and then do some crochet. I doubt if I will stitch the jacket up tonight but I will make an effort. Sewing up and charcoal grey in electric light - shudder.
Oh, I love all those patterns, especially the shirt dress. I can just see that on my daughter. Make them all!
I really enjoy looking at your vintage patterns. I remember the shirt dress pattern and made it for myself when I was young. Lister had some lovely patterns in those days and I remember using Bel Aire in a pale apple green, it washed really well. Glad you have finished the grey cardigan and look forward to seeing your next project.
You go Jan with Ur sexy red boots! hehe :-)
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