Crocheting a baby jacket is like a holiday to me. I should have been starting knitting my niece's jacket but as I was going to my friend Sylvia's house for the day I didn't want to take anything with me that I could not concentrate on or work with pointed needles when there are babies running about. I left the jacket with her but this time Sylvia reminded me to take a photo of the finished jacket. I usually forget when I finish things off at her house. The pattern is Princess from the Crochet Babies book. If you are not sure which book this is then it is in my library on Ravelry. It took 200 grams of Wendy Beach Babes DK which although it is acrylic it does have a cottony feel to it as it has a twist to it making it feel more crepey rather than woolly looking.
Yesterday was a good day but I did come home rather knackered. Sylvia's friend, who also fosters, was there with her two babies so we had 4 kids under 4 in fact it may have been 4 kids under 3 LOL The bigger two are boys and they went a bit mental chasing each other around and generally demolishing the toy boxes. I might have been able to cope with lots of kids when I was young but not now. It was OK for a day but my hat goes off to those who deal with it on a daily basis. I think God gives us babies when we are young for a reason. I was only fortunate to have the one baby. None of my other babies got past the 3 month pregnancy stage so I am grateful that at least I got one. I never wanted a large family but another one would have been nice. Maybe that is why I love making things for babies.If I had a few of my own then maybe the baby crocheting bug would have passed me by.
The postman has just knocked and brought me another old book that I ordered online. It cost me 1p plus £2.80 postage so if there is only one pattern in it that I like then I have still saved money as single patterns can be up to £3 each or more if they are downloads through Ravelry. I have paid $8 and $10 for some of those. I will post some photos tomorrow when I have browsed it.
Time for a coffee now, feet up and looking through my crochet book. What better way to start the day. I am going to Knit Club tonight so it will be a good day all around today. It doesn't take much to keep me happy. If only the sun would shine! Still I can't have everything.
Love the baby jacket!
Hoping that your hospital visit will be productive. Best wishes for a solution to your knee/leg swelling and purple coloring!
that jacket is gorgeous, colour pops very nicely. I have had another couple cardis donated that I will send to Sylvia. Try to get your leg raised before and after your knit meet, hope it is easing?
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