I am poised, needles and pattern at the ready to start the long line chunky jacket for my niece. I hope to start it this weekend. The pattern is from the Sirdar Winter Wonderland booklet. I made the same jacket pattern for her a year ago but made it in Sirdar Click chunky which kept on growing and growing. Added to the fact that my niece has now lost quite a lot of weight I am making a much smaller size this time. I am also using two sizes smaller needles instead of my usual one size ( I knit a bit on the loose side so always drop a size) to make sure that the jacket doesn't stretch as much this time.
Last night I was in the mood for a bit of crochet so I started a baby jacket 'Little Princess' from the Crochet for Babies book.. The yarn is Wendy Beach Baby DK that I got for a bargain price of 79p per 100 gram ball from E Kemp Sale. If you haven't checked their site lately then don't if you are on a yarn diet. They have some fabulous bargains on there at the moment.
I keep talking about my swollen leg so here is is in all it's glory. This photo was taken this morning and it will be worse by the end of the evening. I went to the pharmacy this morning to get measured for some sexy socks and they don't stock them large enough. I will have to enquire at the hospital whether I can get some made to measure ones.
Purple is my favourite colour but I don't care for it on my legs. The pharmacist said that if I already have or have had a DVT then she would not recommend putting a knee stocking on as it could increase the knee swelling. As you can see from the side view I have a huge knee. I think that I will see what the results of the tests that I am having on Tuesday show before I decide on the stockings. I have to go to the nuclear medicine department to have some radioactive substance injected in my vein and then wait for a couple of hours and then get a scan done. I had better go prepared with my sandwiches and some knitting as I could be there for 4-5 hours in total.I am also having a bone dynamic test and bone SPECT done as well as this CT Atten correct and diagnostic study. All sounds very complicated to me.
Today started off quite sunny and appeared warm through the windows. When I went shopping though it was quite chilly and now it is dull. Roll on Spring.
Thanks for all of your lovely comments about the crochet jacket for Alison. I am delivering it tomorrow so I hope that she likes it and that it fits her. I will see the foster babies maybe for the last time before they move on. One is being adopted which we are very pleased about and the other one is going home. Hopefully there will be a little break before new babies arrive to the foster carers and then I will be sparking my needles and hooks again. I know of quite a few babies that are expected this year so I have quite a few things to knit and crochet. I also hope to get to my knitting machine again once the chunky jacket is knitted. Fortunately I am well prepared with my stash of baby coloured yarns that I have been buying recently.
I am staying away from the wool sites this month as today my credit card bill came with not only all my wool and book purchases on it but also the vibrating back cushion and storage boxes so I must have a 'step way from from the credit card' month (or two or even three) until I get back to normal.
Coffee and feet up time now. I think I will treat myself to a bit of crochet on the baby jacket before I start knitting the chunky jacket. Sorry if my knee photos put you off your dinner LOL
Oh I love starting a new project and the jacket for your niece will be lovely, especially in that colour. I love the baby crochet that you have started too. Such a pretty colour and a bargain buy.
Good luck when you go to the hospital on Tuesday Jan. Hope they are able to take the swelling down for you.
I was in Wythenshawe last October for op. they found stockings to fit me, and I ain't little as you know!!! all I can suggest is raising your leg and massaging back of knee to encourage flow of blood back to heart. and agree with June about your current projects.
try to rest tomoz
Well, I'm sorry about the swelling, but the knee does seem to have healed quite well, hasn't it? Good for you, some people have trouble with that. I hope the swelling goes down soon.
Can't wait to see the jacket all done up.
So sorry you are having problems with your knee, it looks really swollen. Did the Doctor say anything about putting you leg up? Also an ice pack - wrapped in a tea towel might help too. My husband had knee surgery a few years ago, and that was what was recommended to him. Hope they can do something for you soon. Loved the long line jacket you made for your niece, and I think the new knitting will be beautiful too. Take care,and try to keep off that leg.
Best wishes from DownUnder
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