My blog today comes in three parts. The photos are all from the Sweet Baby Crochet book by Sandy Scoville and Denise Black. I like almost every project in this book which is a rarity for a crochet book. Normally I just like one or two things in the book but with the exception of the baby bibs, christening dress and coat hangers I think that I would make everything else in the book if only I had the time.
Sorry for my lack of posting but I am still feeling incredibly tired all of the time. The knee continues to improve but I am turning into Rip Van Winkle. I haven't done much crochet or knitting as I keep falling asleep. Yesterday I crashed out on the bed for a couple of hours in the middle of the day which is unheard of for me. I don't think that I have managed to watch a full TV programme from start to finish this week without falling asleep. I even fell asleep when I turned my S.A.D light on so what does that say? It's supposed to stimulate my brain but I guess that it didn't work on me that day. I have it on now as I type and hope that it manages to keep me awake as I have some housework to do.
I was up extra early today as I forgot all about the clocks being turned back an hour. I got up when my body clock said it was time to get up and didn't realise for a while that I should have put the clocks back an hour. It will take my body clock even longer to adjust now.
I am still plodding on with my crochet jacket. It is turning out to be quite an epic. I am on the last sleeve now and then only have the belt to make. My niece has got me the navy aran wool from the Yarn Barn to make the jacket for my other niece's friend's birthday so that will be the next project to start. The scarf is not needed until the 6th December for Louise's birthday so I will work on that as and when I want something that I don't have to concentrate on. I can take that with me when I go to hospital appointments.
I hope that you enjoy all of the photos in the baby book. I would love to start something from it but I really must press on with my other stuff first. Making crochet baby clothes is something that I really enjoy doing.
Jan, while I suspect you still have some anesthesia in your system, I think you should give your doctor a call about being so tired. I found the pictures from your book intriguing as I have one of those little boxes full of cards that have patterns on them and many of those are the same patterns. They are really cute, aren't they?
Love that new photo of you! Haven't been looking for too long.
I agree with my BFF - you need to look at being iron deficient, or many other little things that can be fixed readily. Don't let this go on.
Can't wait to see what you make from the book - always awesome!
Love all of the Baby Patterns they are so cute! And I hope that you feel better and more awake soon!!!!
Have you ever had your thyroid levels checks? If not, ask your Doctor to order these simple lab tests. An underactive thyroid can cause weight gain and TIREDNESS. A thyroid that is not performing right can lead to heart disease. It's an easy blood test so, please, have it done to rule out any connection between your tiredness and your thyroid.
Before you crochet anything in the "Oh Baby! Crochet" book, there "ARE" quite a few corrections.
Go to this link and put the book title in the Search Bar.
I'm crocheting the "Frilly Dress" (9-12 month size) for a friend and ran into problems with that pattern that have "NOT" been corrected yet. I wrote to DRG to let them know but I don't know when they will publish a correction for the "Frilly Dress" pattern.
I hate the adjustment the biological clock has to make for the time change, so I know what you mean, Jan!
I agree with everyone else..I think you need to at least talk with your doctor about your lack of energy. I am very glad your knee is mending well though!!
Those baby patterns are just adorable Jan. I can hardly wait to see which you will do first once you start them.
As always, take care Jan!!!!
Loving the photos! The yellow saque is my fave I think.
Glad to hear you're slowly getting better. I hope you being tired so much is what's expected. Bev is right, you should check it out just in case.
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