Photos from the latest crochet Today magazine that arrived yesterday. Sadly another issue where there isn't much that I will use. If I was an afghan crocheter then there are a couple of stitches that I like.
I do wish that I had somewhere local who stocked crochet magazines and then I could browse before I buy but as it is I have to subscribe to get them which means I get a lot of magazines that I would not otherwise have bought. I can sometimes pick up copies of crochet magazines in W.H.Smith but I have to travel into Manchester as the one in Bury does not stock them all. Interweave crochet is one that I have to subscribe to as most places only stock the Interweave Knitting.
The fingerless mittens and the green baby jacket are, to me, the best of the patterns this issue. The Kings Arms Knitters Club are doing a Happy Knitmas with tree and other decorations for the Knit Club so the Christmas Trees Garland might come in useful for that project.
The baby crochet book that arrived at the same time has some things in it that I will use and I will post photos tomorrow.
Sylvia got me a set of scales for weighing wool. I admired her set and said how useful they are when making things when the wool appears to be running out. I can weigh the one sleeve, bootee or sock that I have made and then weigh the remaining wool to check there is enough before I carry on with the second one.
I am having a PJ day today. I had a rather sleepless night and that has left me a bit droopy so I have just been nodding off on my recliner in between doing a bit of crochet and watching a bit of daytime TV. I have knitted 100 grams into Louise's scarf and asked my niece to get me some extra wool as Louise wants a long wrap around the neck scarf. I have worked a bit more on the sleeve of my crochet jacket but I am having to amend the pattern as the sleeves on the pattern are straight without shaping and my arms are quite chunky at the top so I am increasing and so will then have to do a bit of altering for the sleeve head shaping. I had made the armhole a bit deeper than the pattern as when I tried it on that was also a bit too snug so the larger sleeve head will still fit it. I am getting quite used to doing this sort of thing. Lots of patterns for plus sizes seem to forget that if a lady is plus sized then she is likely to have wider arms at the top.
Hopefully I will stay awake this evening to do some more knitting and crocheting. My niece has gone to the Yarn Barn in Shaw today to get some aran for my other niece's friend's Navy jacket and has hopefully picked me up another couple of balls of the grey for Louise's scarf. I have quite a lot of things to make before Christmas so I had better find my energy and my mojo before then.
I heard this was out. Thanks for sharing. I do like to make the blankets and that NO. 74 looks fun and interesting. Might have to pick this up. Lovely goodies as always.
Maybe you could arrange a swap in your area, by advertising in a shop window, local news paper?? or market.
I hope you are feeling better today :))hugs pat in tas :))
The secret project is very pretty, well done. I'm sure the recepient will love it.
I can't find those magazines anywhere! I may have to subscribe as well. *sigh*
I agree though, there's not much in this issue to catch my attention either.
Still trying to find that baby jacket pattern. I love it but i can't find the pattern anywhere
Try looking on this site
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