As promised the rest of the photos from the Hand knits for Kids by Lucinda Guy. I like the sweaters but I would be doing some amendments as I am not a lover of knitting with fine wool.
I am on the final edging row of the white shawl and so all I have to do is to parcel the shawls up tonight ready for my niece to post off to Debra in the morning. She called today and has bad tonsillitis so I hope that some anti biotic will make her feel better for tomorrow. Our family trait is sore throats. My brother has suffered badly with them all of his life and I finished up having my tonsils taken out at the age of 44 when I had tonsillitis for 3 weeks out of every 4 for months on end. In the end I got immune to the antibiotics so they decided to whip them out. Touch wood I have never had a some throat since. My mother battled all of my childhood to get the hospital to take my tonsils out but they never did. Said the usual stuff like 'she will grow out of it' but I never did. They said that the arthritis in my joints was 'growing pains' so if that was true then I must be still growing !
Tonight I might return to the long crochet jacket that I put down just before I went into hospital although I have spent so much of today crocheting that I might take a break tonight. I will take some photos of the white shawl before I parcel it up ready for the Post Office tomorrow.
Not much difference on the knee news. No District Nurse today so I have been in charge of the dressings. I am not going out yet though as I don't want any germs to turn my knee infected. I figure that I am safer in the house with my own germs. I have to go to the hospital on Wednesday for physio but I am hopeful that things will have healed before then.
Thanks to everyone for your lovely comments. I must try to catch up with all of your blogs next week. I find the computer chair is the wrong angle for my knee so I can't sit at the desk for too long. It's at times like this that I wish that I had a laptop. I decided against getting one of those as my fingers are a bit big for the tiny keyboard and my eyes are too dim for the small screen.
Have a good weekend.
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