Yesterday was my friend Sylvia's birthday and so I can reveal the secret project that I have been working on. I used the Blue Heaven Sweater pattern from the Crochet Closet by Lisa Gentry. This time, however, I made the body longer and altered the sleeves from the elbow length bell shape of my blue cardigan to a straighter long sleeve. Sylvia is always telling me that she has long arms but I think I went a little mad with the sleeve length and she has to turn the sleeve up a to make a cuff. I used 6 x 100 grams of King Cole Riot DK in Shade 403.
It was nice to have an afternoon out and even nicer to have my dinner made for me. I am not sure how that worked out. It was Sylvia's birthday and yet she finished up cooking dinner for me and her daughter!. That doesn't seem fair does it? Both of the foster babies have not been well with coughs and colds so the elder one was a bit whiny and clingy. The baby was just full of a cold. Sylvia's daughter brought her dog so that cheered the elder child up. Luckily the dog is very patient with being patted and dragged about.
Today I have been out for most of the day. I had to go to physio at the Hospital. I mentioned the swelling in my knee to the physio but wouldn't you know - it wasn't too bad this lunch time so not much for them to see. It's always the way isn't it. It's like dental appointments and when you get there the tooth has stopped aching. They measured my knee bend angle and despite my thinking that my knee was a lot worse they actually said my movement was better by a couple of degrees. Still far from where it should be but still heading in the right direction.
Today the postman brought me a crochet baby book that I had pre ordered ages ago from Amazon and a copy of the latest Crochet Today. I will show you those tomorrow. I have also started knitting the scarf for Louise and managed to knit about 8" whilst waiting around at the hospital. I have still only done the cuff of the first sleeve of my crochet jacket. I didn't want to take that with me as I would have had to carry the hook with me as well to read about the sleeve shaping so I decided that a mindless scarf was better knitting for picking up and putting down in the middle of a row at the hospital.
I am hoping that my niece hasn't been to the Yarn Barn for the navy wool for Kath's friend's cardigan as I have a feeling that I will need more wool for Louise's scarf. She wants a long scarf so it takes a lot more wool than you think especially as I am making it in Fisherman's Rib. Even more wool if she wants a fringe on the ends.
I am still feeling rather droopy despite putting myself on some vitamin tablets. I have no energy and even fell asleep whilst waiting for the appointment ambulance to collect me this morning. Luckily my bag was packed and I was ready to go. The driver had to beep his horn to wake me up! Good job that the recliner is in the bay window so he could see me. I am still not sleeping well at night so that is one cause for my daytime nodding.
Oh! Jan, you are looking so much better. The photo of you in Sylvia's jacket is like looking at the 'old' Jan. So pleased that you are getting out and about a little more now. Glad the hospital found things o.k. Do not worry about your sleeping pattern, your body will soon 'right' it's self.
Love how your sweater came out.. Very pretty colors too!.. I had to smile about the long arms, long sleeves! Because I usually have to lengthen my OWN sleeves for myself, I still tend to forget the yarn stretches!!.. And then I find I'm rolling a cuff, or ripping stitches out for a better fit!.. Oh well, you sound better Jan, and just hope you're sleeping better soon too! ~tina
Very nice sweater. It looks great on you! You may have to make one for yourself. ;-)
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