For once the post didn't bring me any wool or books. It brought me a hand held steamer and a set of plastic shelves. I am impressed with both of these deliveries as I only ordered them on Tuesday evening.Well done Amazon (or rather the people who use Amazon to sell things through).
I managed to work out how to put together the shelves but they do look a bit crooked in the empty photo. They came without instructions and labeling them 'easy to assemble' doesn't work with me. I am clueless - tell me which end is up! I am using them to tidy up all the odd balls that I have of baby wool. If I take them upstairs into the stash room they tend to disappear without trace and I find that I am buying more of certain colours as I think that I don't have any. My plastic shopping bags and scruffy cardboard boxes have gone now in favour of plastic trays. One day I will replace the trays with storage boxes with lids although I do find that deep boxes just tangle up the wool unless it is in see through bags. For now, at least, I am pleased with this bit of tidying. I now only have the things, that I am working on at the moment, in the lounge.
The only trouble is that I now need to tidy up the upstairs stash room as some bags of wool have wound up in there from the dining room.I will just leave that for another day otherwise I might get too tired if I tackle too much work at once.I am not the young girl that I once was who could rip through cleaning the house in one day.One room at a time will do for now.
I haven't read the instructions for the steam cleaner yet but as soon as I tidy up the havoc that I have caused by re-organising the dining room I will have a try. Why is it that when you are tidying up and changing things around the house looks far worse than normal. It's usually at this time that unexpected guests arrive so at least today I have been spared that. As I said yesterday I can't give the house the care and attention that it needs and deserves so I am hoping that a steamer will get into little places that I can't reach. There seems to be enough attachments to give a great variety of cleaning processes. I will let you know how I go on when I start steaming later on.
Needless to say there has been no knitting or crocheting done so far today. I have progressed to 3 full patterns on the back of the charcoal knitting so things are moving a lot faster since I typed the pattern out in large print. I resisted the temptation to go back to the easy peasy garter stitch on the huge needles but if I do some more cleaning I might resort to no brain knitting tonight.
Time for some upbeat music and a whizz around with the hoover. I think that I must be feeling a bit better this week as I am actually noticing what needs doing and instead of turning the other cheek I want to do something about it. I will probably write to you from my sick chair tomorrow when everything aches!
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