I have finished off both of the chunky jackets for my Great Grand Daughters. I am really pleased with the way that these have turned out. The pattern is Sirdar 2273 and I made these jackets with 3 x 200 gram balls of James C Brett Marble chunky Shade MC12. I thought that each jacket would take 2 balls each so I have an extra ball left over. I have a couple of hat books in the post from Amazon so when they arrive I will check through them to see if there is a hat pattern that I could make to go with these jackets. I have plenty hat patterns but just wanted something different. I bought the wool online from Purplelinda.
The weather is not too bad today. Still a bit chilly but at least the sun is trying to shine and it is a much brighter day than yesterday.
I am starting a baby jacket next as I am going to the Kings Arms knit club tomorrow (weather permitting) and want to give the bar man a jacket for his new baby to be. I did start one last night but as it is yoke down and every row different I gave up as I was watching programmes linking famous people to Wales. I like programmes that trace ancestry back and would love to have that done for me someday. I lack the patience to do it for myself.
I had a bit of a lazy start to the day but it is Sunday, the day of rest. I think that I will just get a coffee and pick up the baby knitting instead of doing any housework. I loathe housework and admit to doing only the very necessary. If I was rich I would employ a cleaner that's for sure as hoovering wrecks my back for hours afterwards, especially the stairs. I think that I will wish for a housework fairy. Does anyone know where they live?
About the household fairy: they are rare in Sweden too, I have never seen one yet... If you find it, it is also welcome here!
Have a good knitting time!
I wish I had a housework fairy. Haven't found one yet either.
Those sweaters turned out SOOOO cute. Love them.
What lovely chunky jackets. As for housework, I find it the most boring thing to do and would much rather be making something. When you find your housework fairy, please send her down here to me.
Jan, those jackets are the cutest ever..well done!!!
I must be one of those rare breeds that actually doesn't mind cleaning house, so long as it doesn't include windows. I don't do windows!
The jackets are gorgeous, lucky great-grandaughters to have these made for them.
I love researching family history. A history nut to start with, to find out about mine and hubby's and sons-in-laws and friends is fascinating. Learnt more history that way than in school. And so very addictive
Beautiful Beautiful Jackets Jan, and lucky grandaughters.
If you do mange to find a household fairy, tell her I will let her come over to Australia for a while!! I have just finished my 4th shawl and feeling pretty good about it. I am already well on the way with the 5th one.
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