I am still knitting the second jacket for my Great Grand Daughters but I found that I must have been sitting awkwardly as my back and shoulder were really sore. I decided to take a break and crochet them a couple of shrugs with some stash wool instead.
The pattern worked up very easily and is from a pattern from Ravelry called Shortie Sweater by Lisa Van Klaveren. It is moderately priced and is sized up to an adult size. The ones I made are 24" and took a little over 100 grams for each one.
Whilst on the subject of patterns I have been having some requests in my comments (which I haven't published) asking me to send copies of patterns that they have seen on my blog. If they are free patterns I will gladly provide the link and if they are my own design then I will try to write down what I did. The other patterns are from current books and magazines which are for sale. Not only would I be contravening copyright rules by sending the pattern to them but I would also be taking away money from these books and magazines. Yes I do know that books are expensive but if we all copied patterns and didn't buy the books then it would be our fault if there were fewer and fewer crochet books and magazines to buy. As most of my fellow bloggers know and appreciate I post the photos so that they can see the contents and then decide whether to buy the book or the magazine for themselves. I do it because I know that I would appreciate seeing the contents before I bought as it would have saved me from buying books that I don't really like.
The snow is falling again so I am glad that I managed to go shopping yesterday. I am going to batten down the hatches, make myself a cup of coffee and get on with my knitting.
Those shrugs are just darling. How nice the instructions are in other sizes too. I'll have to check that out.
I agree with you on the pattern sharing. I find it really hard not to share but for the same reasons you state, we all need to abide by the rules and regs to keep things fair.
Hugs from Utah,
I love those shrugs, they look so pretty in pink and would also look pretty in a grown-up size too.
I certainly agree with your views on patterns sharing, very well said.
I echo Bev and June on both topics.
Will we see pics of the shrugs being worn. I appreciate privacy choices if parents don't agree.
We have had consistentrain all day, but not heavy. The sort I like to walk in. Have you still got the snow?
I have had this pattern in my buy stuff folder with the Lil Cupcake Baby shoes she has. I have been pushed over the edge on my way to Ravelry. I for one adore you for showing us pics of the books. Its saved me money ..and cost me some((smiles)). Ditto on the pattern sharing.
I, as well, agree about the copyright issues. My friend WolfDreamer is currently fighting people who not only steal her patterns but use her own pictures to try to sell them. Having gone through this myself, I gave her info on the top US and International Copyright / Patent / Trademark attorney.
These people who steal patterns will eventually have to pay for what they've done. It's instant gratification for them (monitarily) and I think they just don't look at the possibility that they can spend long times in jail for these crimes.
As for you posting the images of patterns, you are providing a service to both the consumer and the companies that sell the patterns. I have seen many images on your blog that have sent me out to buy the books -- books that I, otherwise, would not have purchased. What you do is greatly appreciated by myself (although my bank account squeals in pain :-)
What darling little shrugs. I love the circular pattern.
I agree on the patterns as well. When I see that a book has more than just one pattern or two that I want, I buy it. I'm sure I've bought a book or two because of your blog. But yes, we need to buy the books we want, to support the designers we love, and encourage them to keep designing. I follow several of these designers here on blogger, and like to send them messages when I use one of their patterns or buy on of their books, or love one of their designs in a magazine.
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