Thursday 13 December 2007

Great hat to knit

I loved knitting this hat for my niece's boyfriend. I think the top shaping is great. I found it on a blog

and it was entitled Guy's Hat. It looks quite small on the needles but fits well. I knit this one with Sirdar Bonus Double Knit and the colour in real life and not on my dodgy web cam is a sort of army green fleck. I had quite a lot left from a 100gram ball as the yarn is acrylic but it would probably take the full ball in pure wool. Since I found the makkin (knitting belt) on Jamiesons Shetland web site I really enjoy knitting on 5 needles. I am looking forward to making socks for myself in the New Year from my birthday sock book. Previously I had never been able to use small length needles due to the fact that I have to knit with one needle jammed under my right armpit. Try as I might I cannot knit with my needles waggling about. I guess it's the way I was taught. Circular needles will forever be a no no for me.

I have continued to crochet the black chenille scarf but am still not sure whether or not I like it but as I am now about 20" along I will press on regardless.

Today I went to water aerobics and then to Asda for a few Christmas bits to go along with presents for my family. I have just got 3 people now to buy something for. My daughter in law and my 2 great grand daughters. I am awaiting ideas from my son as to what they might like as I don't trust my taste for presents for any of them without hints.

I got sent a link via my e mail yesterday and when opened it was a clock with a countdown to Christmas with the days, hours minutes and even seconds ticking away. Aarrgh. It sounds so close when you see it written down like that and I am far from ready for Christmas. Not a card written, no tree up or any decorations, no presents wrapped and worse than that many things still to finish off.

I had better stop blogging and get crocheting! Whew, guess it will be yet another late night. I had better make a strong coffee.

1 comment:

  1. I love the hat.
    When I knit with long needles I also knit with one needle jammed under my arm. I never thought I would be able to knit with DPNs or circulars for the same reasons as yourself but I now love them. Just goes to show an old dog can learn new tricks


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