Wednesday 12 December 2007

Another present finished

Last night I finished crocheting my sister in law's scarf. It is crocheted rather appropriately in Patons Blur which usually is a description for my photographic skills. It doesn't help that I have put the manual in a safe place (i.e.lost it!) or that I totally lack basic skills in photography. I am going to have a tidy up of my collection of papers that are strewn around the house in various hidey holes so hopefully the manual will be found. I usually keep in in the camera box so am a bit puzzled as to why I thought it would be safer somewhere else.

I started Kath's cardigan on Monday eve just to get a feel of the pattern but as I had reached the shaping for the waist bit I didn't do any last night as it was late and my concentration was at a low ebb.

I started a basic shell scarf in some Sirdar black chenille I had in stock but am still unsure if I will continue with it. Everything black that I crochet ends up with lots of Buster hair woven in it as no matter how much I lint roll and brush everywhere he has a habit of shedding over my work (or so it seems) If it's not Buster hair then it's mine. I usually wear it twisted up but long blonde hairs get woven into most garments I make. Perhaps Buster and I should wear those dashing net hats they wear in food production? Buster would have the all in one overalls of course.

On with the day. Buster has decided that my breakfast looks far more tasty than his breakfast and as we still haven't been for the morning walk so I am not in his good books. Ah the joys of owning a dog. My friend Caroline's dog has just had to be put to sleep on Monday so she is very upset. He had been quite ill for weeks, back and forth to the vet's, but she kept putting off the inevitable. She says now she realises why I was so upset when my little 14yr old cat Ollie died in my arms a few months ago. She had never had a pet before and didn't understand my grief. Her dog Jack was a demented un-trainable idiot but she loved him and that's all that matters. Her relatives will be sad for her but glad that they will no longer get bitten every time they visit her, and the neighbours will be glad of the break from his constant barking.

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