Friday 14 December 2007

Whew - still knitting and crocheting

I am still hard at it (knit and crochet that is). Today I am making a pair of fingerless mitts for Caroline's sister which I apparently promised to make in a mad moment. I must be mad. I have enough to do without adding stuff! They are half done so will photograph them tomorrow. The crochet has taken a bit of a back seat but last night I finished the back of Kath's cardigan and started the front. The scarf remains at 20" no decision made as to whether to continue or not.

Today I went for my repeat prescription to the docs but couldn't get it from the pharmacy as their high tech equipment has broken down. Gone are the good old days when the pharmacist (or in my day - the chemist) opened little drawers and found the right pills and potions. Now we have a sophisticated system run (or not run a lot of the time) by robots. We can watch in amazement as the pulleys run along the ceiling and deliver our prescription as if by magic from some storeroom in the sky. They even have a camera trained on it with a wide screen so we can gaze mesmerised at the wonder of it all. Except of course when it breaks down. No prescriptions can be dispensed. Can you come back tomorrow? What if it was for urgently wanted drugs? I presume that person would have to get in his car, walk or bus to the next pharmacy. What I can't understand is why can't someone walk upstairs and get the drugs or is that something unheard of these days. Not all progress is good, when humans dispensed at least I didn't get broken pills from when the boxes crash down into the receptacle on their journey from the skies.

The photo today is of a wedding dress for a teenage doll that I made quite a long time ago for a friend's daughter but obviously never gave it to her. I had forgotten all about it and discovered it whilst looking for something else. I think I found out after I made it that the little girl was into karate and not dolls and my great grand babies are too young to be given anything like that for quite a while.

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of things in medicine that haven't changed for the better. As more time alapses the more I want to go back to the good old, bad old days of nursing (as long as I don't have to go back to wearing a nurse's cap) when patients got looked after as they should and it wasn't necessary to complain


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