Sunday 8 March 2009

Scalloped Capelet after blocking

I have finished blocking the Superior capelet (well shawl in this case) and it is ready for my sister in law's 70th birthday. Her birthday is in danger of getting slightly overlooked this year as her daughter, my younger niece, is getting married 2 days afterwards. I wanted therefore to make her birthday a bit special so I will be buying her a present as well as presenting her with this shawl.

I can only thank Teresa (Skeinfest on Ravelry) for getting me the booklet Superior crochet so quickly in the US, and her husband who posted it to me from the UK, therefore making it possible for me to make the capelet. But for her I would still be searching for ways and means to get the pattern to the UK. I do get annoyed sometimes when I see wonderful patterns and then see that the stockist does not post outside the US. It's annoying to have to search online for other ways of getting my hands on certain patterns. Surely there are enough crocheters in the UK who buy patterns to warrant US companies posting to the UK or at least pointing people in the direction of a stockist in the UK who will import them for sale here.

Now all I need to do is decide on what I am going to be wearing for the wedding and make myself either a shawl or an openwork crochet cardigan that will take me through from the 4 pm wedding until the evening.

I started a knitted baby cardigan last night and have done the back and two fronts. Hopefully I will finish it by tomorrow so I will have something to photograph for tomorrow's blog.

I hesitate to say this but my cough seems to be improving. Shh I dare not say this too loud as I rejoiced once before and then it came back again a few days later. Fingers crossed everyone.


  1. Your finished capelet is really beautiful and will make a lovely birthday present for your sister in law. I know what you mean about patterns from the US being unavailable here, but I did order a pattern from Gourmet Crochet and it took only a few days to reach me from the US and with free postage, I will certainly be ordering from them again.

  2. That capelet is really beautiful Jan. You should do something similar for the wedding.


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