Tuesday 10 March 2009

Not much knitting done this week

There has not been much knitting done for a couple of days. Not only was the base of my thumb aching (arthritis I think) but I got sidetracked by an old school photo.

I recently started chatting through Facebook with an old school friend and we got talking about school reunions and old photos. He has lost all of his school photos and I only had 2 class photos as my full school photo had been lost a long time ago. He knew someone who had been at school at the same time as me and had a full photo. He kindly scanned it and sent a copy over to me. I have been poring over this photo for the last few days trying to put names to faces. He couldn't find me on the photo until I pointed myself out to him. I think my mother must have cut my hair as I have a rather alarming hairstyle that would not be out of place in the Adam's family. Why do I have a point in my fringe? I am sure it wasn't the fashion in 1960. He told me that there will be a school reunion in October so I am going to try to get to that as I have never been to one. I hope that people wear name badges or it could be very embarassing.

I have managed a small baby cardigan for my friend's foster baby. I have made it a slightly larger size than he is but I am sure he will soon grow into it.

Today I went to see my friend Charlie to hear all about her working charity trip to India. We had a good knit and natter and caught up with the news she had missed whilst she was away. She is going to get all of her photos into order and make a photo slide show for me to see next time.It sounds like a great charity and is making a big difference to the education of Indian children.

Tonight the Knitting Noras are having a bit of a press conference about the Naked Knitting Calendar. I could not be there as I don't go out alone on public transport after dark these days and it would have involved a tram and a couple of buses each way for me to get there. I will find out what went on and post an update on here tomorrow.

Doris Chan put a comment on Ravelry about my scalloped capelet and she likes it !!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute sweater! Your friend will love it. :-)
    I find it so funny to go back over the years and see how things have changed. Love the hairdo by the way! ;-)

    Doris Chan may have to start paying you for the publicity you give her. :-)


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