Sunday 5 October 2008

Shawl finished and fringed

One granny square shawl finished but Vicky's still to finish off but sorry Vicky that will have to wait a little while longer as I have started a Sweet Pea shawl from the Happy Hooker book in the spearmint pink wool that I got from Bury market.I am trying to make as much as I can for the raffle in the time left.

The Sunday newspaper had a supplement dedicated to Breast Cancer and the newspaper carried the news that Wendy Richards has got breast cancer again and has to undergo chemo once again. Let's hope that research will continue to find new ways to combat this disease and as Ambermoggie says please check your breasts ladies and if in doubt then seek help. It's better to be told that there is nothing wrong than to think that there is nothing wrong and so leave it until it's too late. Let's not forget the men either. Tell the guys to check their breasts when they check their man parts - it's not just women who get Breast Cancer!

I Freecycled the logs from the legendary holly tree from next door's garden and I had a surprise when the couple who turned up to collect it for their wood burning stove. I had met them before. They had Freecycled a mini hi fi system some months ago and I was lucky to be chosen to get it. My mother would have said what goes around comes around. I am glad the logs went to them it's nice to give back in some way to someone who has given you something that you wanted. That's the beauty of Freecycle or Realcycle depending which area you live in. One person's unwanted things become another person's treasure.

The holly tree is still haunting me. I spent a lot of today trying to gather up all the loose leaves from the lawn and I filled the bin with some of the small twig branches and have another bin full still on the lawn. When the bin gets emptied on Tuesday I will have to start gathering leaves and branches again. My back started to hurt and so I decided not to push my luck and to stop before I did any damage to it. I had intended to bag it all up just in case the rain starts again next week.

Time for a shower I think before I cook myself some dinner. Then it's relax and get the crochet out tonight. It's Charley Boorman on BBC2 tonight and I can't miss him. Unfortunately the Poirot series has finished on ITV - there were only 3 episodes of that. Things I hate have about 20 episodes and yet things I really like seem to have 3!


  1. looking good Jan:) I love the pink sweet pea one as well. Don't do too much, can't have your back playing up again

  2. Very pretty Jan. You've been working hard I see. :-)


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